Another one. We are getting YET ANOTHER final fantasy remade.
Instead of a Seiken Densetsu 3 remake for Wiiware/VC or a PROPER sequal (I will not accept Koichi Ishii having the cheek to call Dawn of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 4), we are getting yet another bloody final fantasy remake on a handheld. This is pissing me off!
Why does everybody want a remake of V and VI for the DS? I do not understand, They\'re on the GBA dammit, why again, why do you want them remade AGAIN. You have internet access, EBAY is right there. Last i checked, the DS was capable of running GBA games just fine!
In fact, whats with these bloody RPG\'s flooding the DS; remakes, fresh ones, its all coming. It\'s the SNES all over again, only we\'re getting just one genre. Sometimes its quite nice, like when we got Chrono Trigger for the DS, and The World Ends with You is something cool and fresh. This however, is getting really tiring, and really annoying. Haven\'t there been multiple announcements of RPG\'s coming to the DS? Fucking hell! They\'re probably all turn based as well, the slow paced, overrated kind of RPG.
People need to embrace the realtime action, Seiken Densetsu doesnt get enough respect (the older games anyway).
At least Koji Igarashi has the right idea. Castlevania for the epic win.
( Edited 14.01.2009 23:02 by IxisNaugus )
Bowser. You Booz, you lose.