FF: Legend II Remade for Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2009 30

FF: Legend II Remade for Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have announced the DS remake of Final Fantasy Legend II aka SaGa 2.

Known in the east as Sa�Ga 2: Hihou Densetsu, the game was a well-received RPG for the GameBoy back in 1991. The story revolves around MAGI - shards of a shattered statue of goddess Iris that need to be protected. Our hero sets out and joins the Guardians to save these mystical shards.

Famitsu recently revealed the game, which can be checked out in a scan.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for SaGa 2 Hiho Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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At this point I'm kinda happy and kinda annoyed. It's great that these games get effort in 3D remakes, but Square are doing so many of them, and arguably a GB game shouldn't be big enough to supply a substantially lengthed DS game.

And SaGa 2 rather than the first? It's like they're picking them out at random too. I was really hoping for FFV.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

where ff5 and ff6

Jump_button said:
where ff5 and ff6


Square better make an FF6 remake.

SuperLink said:
And SaGa 2 rather than the first? It's like they're picking them out at random too. I was really hoping for FFV.

Somewhere at the Square-Enix Super Secret Headquarters, there exists a dart board. On that dartboard are the names of games published on the GB, NES, and SNES. Once every six months, an employee throws a dart at said dartboard. Whichever game that dart hits, becomes the newest remake for the DS. Said employee is properly disposed of.

We don't know if Matrix is behind this year. The team finished FFIV's remake, then went on to do Avalon Code for Marvelous and Wind of Nostalgio for Tecmo, so could very well be on its way with FFV for DS, but it just hasn't been announced yet.

As for this announcement, it had recently been hinted that something from the SaGa series would be revealed in 2009 (to tie in with the 20th Anniversary), so I'm not terribly surprised. Think back to Jan 07's news of the SaGa trademark being renewed

Also, there was a survey a couple of years ago where S-E asked fans what games they'd like to see remade on DS. On the list were FFIII, Chrono Trigger and Front Mission, all of which have appeared. FFIV was listead alongside FFV and VI, which makes me think V and VI will eventually materialise...and SaGa was on there.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

So why SaGa 2 rather than the first game? Maybe it was just more popular.

Oh, and I'm surprised they didn't remake Star Oceans 1 and 2 on PSP in full 3D. It looks nice and all but they're churning out 3D remakes on DS but PSP just gets nice sprites, which defeats the purpose of it being a handheld PS2 (with short games).

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Oh, and I'm surprised they didn't remake Star Oceans 1 and 2 on PSP in full 3D. It looks nice and all but they're churning out 3D remakes on DS but PSP just gets nice sprites, which defeats the purpose of it being a handheld PS2 (with short games).

Cheaper to make on a system that is plagued by piracy and used to have a reputation of being the home of several sales disappointments. Too much of a risk, in other words. Making a basic 3D engine for DS and then tweaking it for use in several other games that sell between 600,000 - 1,000,000 units appears to be a safer bet. The SaGa games are very popular in Japan. The remake of Romancing SaGa on PS2 did very well indeed.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

From the series' history, the chances of a PAL release are quite weak. Not much of a problem on DS but I hope they support it over here anyway.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This game looks identical to Dragon Quest Joker. Smilie
yay for remakes and recycled stuff.

I cba to play RPGs anymore, but I do want to write one now, with my extreeemely limited programming skills Smilie
(but I need to learn how to make a sprite...atm I have a dot or lots of conjoined dots moving around...)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Yeah! More Fantasies! I'm lovin' it! Smilie

Another one. We are getting YET ANOTHER final fantasy remade.

Instead of a Seiken Densetsu 3 remake for Wiiware/VC or a PROPER sequal (I will not accept Koichi Ishii having the cheek to call Dawn of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 4), we are getting yet another bloody final fantasy remake on a handheld. This is pissing me off!

Why does everybody want a remake of V and VI for the DS? I do not understand, They\'re on the GBA dammit, why again, why do you want them remade AGAIN. You have internet access, EBAY is right there. Last i checked, the DS was capable of running GBA games just fine!

In fact, whats with these bloody RPG\'s flooding the DS; remakes, fresh ones, its all coming. It\'s the SNES all over again, only we\'re getting just one genre. Sometimes its quite nice, like when we got Chrono Trigger for the DS, and The World Ends with You is something cool and fresh. This however, is getting really tiring, and really annoying. Haven\'t there been multiple announcements of RPG\'s coming to the DS? Fucking hell! They\'re probably all turn based as well, the slow paced, overrated kind of RPG.
People need to embrace the realtime action, Seiken Densetsu doesnt get enough respect (the older games anyway).

At least Koji Igarashi has the right idea. Castlevania for the epic win.

( Edited 14.01.2009 23:02 by IxisNaugus )

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
Instead of a Seiken Densetsu 3 remake for Wiiware/VC or a PROPER sequal (I will not accept Koichi Ishii having the cheek to call Dawn of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 4), we are getting yet another bloody final fantasy remake on a handheld. This is pissing me off!

SaGa isn't a Final Fantasy game. It was given that title in the west to appeal to fans of the series.

Why does everybody want a remake of V and VI for the DS? I do not understand, They're on the GBA dammit, why again, why do you want them remade AGAIN. You have internet access, EBAY is right there. Last i checked, the DS was capable of running GBA games just fine!

Because they're two of the best FF games ever, and the GBA releases were just advanced ports, not remakes. Seriously the casts of FFV and VI are probably my favourite casts, and I'd love to see them reimagined. I have both games on GBA anyway, which makes me even more desperate for a 3D remake.

In fact, whats with these bloody RPG's flooding the DS; remakes, fresh ones, its all coming. It's the SNES all over again, only we're getting just one genre. Sometimes its quite nice, like when we got Chrono Trigger for the DS, and The World Ends with You is something cool and fresh. This however, is getting really tiring, and really annoying. Haven't there been multiple announcements of RPG's coming to the DS? Fucking hell! They're probably all turn based as well, the slow paced, overrated kind of RPG.
People need to embrace the realtime action, Seiken Densetsu doesnt get enough respect (the older games anyway).

I love all kinds of RPGs, and I think you'll find Seiken Densetsu gets all kinds of bummage in their fan bases, especially 3 after the fan translation was released.

At least Koji Igarashi has the right idea. Castlevania for the epic win.

I don't like Castlevania personally.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
SaGa isn't a Final Fantasy game. It was given that title in the west to appeal to fans of the series.

The title appears to be "Final Fantasy Legend II". Regardless of the reasons for its name change, lets face it, its another bloody Final Fantasy isnt it.

Because they're two of the best FF games ever, and the GBA releases were just advanced ports, not remakes. Seriously the casts of FFV and VI are probably my favourite casts, and I'd love to see them reimagined. I have both games on GBA anyway, which makes me even more desperate for a 3D remake.

Really? Because i thought it was Final Fantasy VII for the PS. Then again, another guy told me it was FFIX. Oh but wait, last i checked, on Gamerankings, FFIII was rated the highest. I guess every freaking FF is the best one ever made, huh?

And if the GBA versions are "advanced ports" doesnt that make them remakes? Sword of Mana for the GBA falls under that catagory, and it came from the original Seiken Densetsu on the GB. Please do not tell me Sword of Mana is not a remake.

It makes sense that you'd want to see your favourite FF cast remade, but isnt the GBA ports enough? Or are visuals really that important?

I love all kinds of RPGs, and I think you'll find Seiken Densetsu gets all kinds of bummage in their fan bases, especially 3 after the fan translation was released.

As do i Superlink, as do i. But if the kinds of RPG's around were even, i wouldnt be complaining, but they're not. Seiken Densetsu is currently struggling rght now with where it wants to be regarding genre's. But i'd like to play new RPG's, better RPG's... Realtime Action RPG's, not the same game i could just buy on EBAY which came out only a generation earlier, and the generation before that.

I don't like Castlevania personally.

You truly dont know what your missing my good man.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I welcome remakes as long as FF5 and FF6 are amongst them.

What I like about FF4 DS are the voiced cutscenes that are great to watch and seeing memorable moments from the game like this in 3D is amazing. FF5 and FF6 given the same treatment =


Not only does Final Fantasy have way too many sequels, but every one of them is starting to get the remake treatment. Don't people get tired of this?

iCAME said:
Not only does Final Fantasy have way too many sequels, but every one of them is starting to get the remake treatment. Don\'t fanboys get tired of this?

fixed Smilie. If you\'ve played one ff (or any rpg from square) you\'ve played them all, it\'s like pokemon.

( Edited 15.01.2009 01:56 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
If you\'ve played one ff (or any rpg from square) you\'ve played them all, it\'s like pokemon.

Only difference is, Pokemon gets bigger and better everytime

( Edited 15.01.2009 03:09 by IxisNaugus )

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I think i played that game.... or was it just ff legends one... nevermind its one.

but i love it i still have it but it only sucked in one place it didn't have EXP or leveling up tech.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Why does everybody want a remake of V and VI for the DS? I do not understand, They're on the GBA dammit, why again, why do you want them remade AGAIN. You have internet access, EBAY is right there. Last i checked, the DS was capable of running GBA games just fine!

I don't want a slightly updated port. Which is why I didn't buy them on the GBA. And its why I want them remade for the DS. In fact, who would really not want a painstakingly remade in 3D version of FF6?

Oh, and I'm surprised they didn't remake Star Oceans 1 and 2 on PSP in full 3D. It looks nice and all but they're churning out 3D remakes on DS but PSP just gets nice sprites, which defeats the purpose of it being a handheld PS2 (with short games).

I've said this before jokingly, but its really starting to become a reality. Developers don't care about the PSP anymore. Software sales are abysmal, even though the hardware itself has sold well enough.

IxisNaugus said:
Instead of a Seiken Densetsu 3 remake for Wiiware/VC or a PROPER sequal (I will not accept Koichi Ishii having the cheek to call Dawn of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 4), we are getting yet another bloody final fantasy remake on a handheld. This is pissing me off!

A bit OT, but Koichi Ishii left Square Enix in 2007 to form Grezzo, a team that is working with Nintendo on a Wii game right now!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

IxisNaugus said:
The title appears to be "Final Fantasy Legend II". Regardless of the reasons for its name change, lets face it, its another bloody Final Fantasy isnt it.

Oh come on, let's not be a hypocrite. If SaGa is a "bloody Final Fantasy" than so is the original Seiken Densetsu, which was ALSO released over in the west with an FF title.

SaGa is like Seiken Densetsu, an obscure RPG series that deserves more recognition.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

iCAME said:
Not only does Final Fantasy have way too many sequels, but every one of them is starting to get the remake treatment. Don\'t people get tired of this?

Not really. I hadn\'t played FF4 since I was 6 or so. I\'m very happy that they remade it with today\'s technology. I feel the same way about them remaking other games. I either haven\'t played them or in a decade or not at all, so it doesn\'t bother me.

( Edited 15.01.2009 16:26 by Jacob4000 )

Good to know, but come on - bring out something completely new!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I want a remake of 6 because it seems to be a favourite amongst fans but 2 still is good.

jb said:
Good to know, but come on - bring out something completely new!

Nanashi no Game, Sigma Harmonics, the DS Style series, Chocobo Tales...they're all new! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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