FF: Legend II Remade for Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2009 30

FF: Legend II Remade for Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have announced the DS remake of Final Fantasy Legend II aka SaGa 2.

Known in the east as Sa�Ga 2: Hihou Densetsu, the game was a well-received RPG for the GameBoy back in 1991. The story revolves around MAGI - shards of a shattered statue of goddess Iris that need to be protected. Our hero sets out and joins the Guardians to save these mystical shards.

Famitsu recently revealed the game, which can be checked out in a scan.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for SaGa 2 Hiho Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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SuperLink said:
Oh come on, let's not be a hypocrite. If SaGa is a "bloody Final Fantasy" than so is the original Seiken Densetsu, which was ALSO released over in the west with an FF title.

SaGa is like Seiken Densetsu, an obscure RPG series that deserves more recognition.

It was also released in Europe under the name "Mystic Quest" (so us europeans dont know it as Final Fantasy, thank the stars), and eventually it went its own way and stuck with Seiken Densetsu as its own series. As far as i know, SaGa is still known as Final Fantasy Legend II.
Not to mention Seiken Densetsu was properly remade for the GBA with its true title "Sword of Mana".

Maybe "Final Fantasy Legend II" is an obscure RPG that deserves recognition, but how different is it to all the other bloody final fantasy's? I can sure tell you the difference between Sword of Mana and other Final Fantasy titles. FFLII has the same kind of turn-based gameplay, same title... It's final fantasy my friend.

jesusraz said:
A bit OT, but Koichi Ishii left Square Enix in 2007 to form Grezzo, a team that is working with Nintendo on a Wii game right now!

Well lets hope this game is something spectacular.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
It was also released in Europe under the name \"Mystic Quest\" (so us europeans dont know it as Final Fantasy, thank the stars),

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest to be precise.

EDIT: Nvm was getting it mixed up with another spin off on SNES.

and eventually it went its own way and stuck with Seiken Densetsu as its own series. As far as i know, SaGa is still known as Final Fantasy Legend II.
Not to mention Seiken Densetsu was properly remade for the GBA with its true title \"Sword of Mana\".

What? SaGa is a series, the original SaGa series are on GB and they\'re known as FF Legends I-III, but from that point onward they\'ve been known in all regions as SaGa, this situation is no different to Seiken Densetsu\'s, and it\'s incredibly likely this DS remake will be known as SaGa 2 when it\'s localised. Besides, Sword of Mana isn\'t it\'s \"true\" title, it\'s just a localisation title to fit with the other games of the series that were given Mana titles.

Maybe \"Final Fantasy Legend II\" is an obscure RPG that deserves recognition, but how different is it to all the other bloody final fantasy\'s? I can sure tell you the difference between Sword of Mana and other Final Fantasy titles. FFLII has the same kind of turn-based gameplay, same title... It\'s final fantasy my friend.

Despite the fact it\'s NEVER been called an FF title in Japan wheras Seiken Densetsu was? The original Seiken Densetsu was called \"Final Fantasy Gaiden\" in Japan, meaning it was an FF sidestory. SaGa has NEVER been an FF related title in Japan. Besides, not every turn based game means it\'s the same as FF, it\'s obviously different enough to have become a full series, seeing as SaGa games are still being made.

( Edited 15.01.2009 20:41 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
What? SaGa is a series, the original SaGa series are on GB and they\'re known as FF Legends I-III, but from that point onward they\'ve been known in all regions as SaGa, this situation is no different to Seiken Densetsu\'s, and it\'s incredibly likely this DS remake will be known as SaGa 2 when it\'s localised. Besides, Sword of Mana isn\'t it\'s \"true\" title, it\'s just a localisation title to fit with the other games of the series that were given Mana titles.

Yes i know SaGa is a series, and the GB SaGa games are first in that series, but they have the title \"Final Fantasy Legend II\" over west, so we knew them as Final Fantasy games didnt we. Lets hope it is known as SaGa 2 once its localised so we can know it from its true series title instead of as another final fantasy.

Oh, and i used the term \"true title\" very loosely in my previous post, its actual name is \"Shin\'yaku Seiken Densetsu, New Testament Holy Sword Legend\". But Sword of Mana is updated more toward the Mana series than just a graphical improvement, its more of a mana game than SD:FFG, so you could say Mystic Quest - which is a sidestory to the FF series as you said - is null and void.

And before you ask, yes i do have both games.

Despite the fact it\'s NEVER been called an FF title in Japan wheras Seiken Densetsu was? The original Seiken Densetsu was called \"Final Fantasy Gaiden\" in Japan, meaning it was an FF sidestory. SaGa has NEVER been an FF related title in Japan. Besides, not every turn based game means it\'s the same as FF, it\'s obviously different enough to have become a full series, seeing as SaGa games are still being made.

So Seiken Densetsu was originaly a side-story, Sword of Mana fixed that. The original SaGa series did have little to do with FF side from the title, but it played more or less in an identicle manner, hell, its more of a FF game than SD:FFG, which was action-based.

And i didn\'t say every turn based RPG meant its the same as FF, look at Pokemon, thats as different to FF as it gets.
That said though, aside from Pokemon, most turn based RPG\'s play better than FF anyway. Lol, maybe i\'ll give SaGa a try... then again, i\'m in the middle of Dragon Quest, so maybe not

( Edited 15.01.2009 23:51 by IxisNaugus )

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I just wanted you to stop attacking all these "bloody FF games", when a series you love so much qualifies as the same thing you were attacking, and SaGa may turn out to be a great series in for more of an international wake up.

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SuperLink said:
I just wanted you to stop attacking all these "bloody FF games", when a series you love so much qualifies as the same thing you were attacking, and SaGa may turn out to be a great series in for more of an international wake up.

Originally i wanted to rant about the fact that instead of new games, we're getting more remakes for the DS, but i got carried away, admittedly. I guess you could say Seiken Densetsu qualifies as the same thing.

SaGa could be good, im not saying its crap, or it has no chance. I haven't properly played the GB games actually.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

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