Sonic and the Black Knight - New Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2009 20

Sonic and the Black Knight - New Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As the release of Sonic in his latest storybook tale approaches, Sega have let loose a new batch of screens.

The second installment takes players into the world of medieval King Arthur, giving our speed hedgehog friend a blade to take out armored foes and battle old friends.

Image for Sonic and the Black Knight - New Screens

Image for Sonic and the Black Knight - New Screens

Image for Sonic and the Black Knight - New Screens

More screens can be found in the game's album below. Thanks to GameKyo.

Box art for Sonic and the Black Knight





3D Platformer



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Nintendo Power revealed some of these a little while back, along with an announcement of a shitty sounding battle mode multiplayer.

So... I'm starting to think Shadow and Knuckles are only playable in that, and aren't unlockable for 1Player.

And I'm starting to doubt Blaze is in it at all.

Am not a happy bunny.

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Man, I just want a minimum of Knuckles and Tails as playable in the single mode.I remember reading somewhere that single mode alt characters are possible, but optional.

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Shadow is Sir Lancelot, Knuckles is Sir Gawain, and Amy Rose is the Lady of the Lake.

I'm cautiously optimistic (as always).

I hope Amy didn't replace Blaze.

Blaze must be in it/playable.


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Intereseting, but i still have to play unleashed...

Blaze ownz Amy.

But either way, the less charecters the better as far as I'm concerned. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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idk about this but if i get to see some one playing a lever i know

SuperLink said:
I hope Amy didn't replace Blaze.

Blaze must be in it/playable.


She's in it:

- Knuckles, Shadow and Blaze are bosses
- Knuckles, Shadow and Blaze are 'knights' of the round table
- Once you beat Knuckles, Shadow, and Blaze, they will become your friend

From Dec Nintendo Power.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Right then. I hope she's playable in 1player, even if Shadoh and Fuckles aren't.

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Where is Shadow's GUNSSSSS?!!!1

mOojc said:
Where is Shadow's GUNSSSSS?!!!1

Hopefully left back in the future! His game was god awful...

The screens look really nice. I hope that they only have sonic as a playable character in single player. The rest can just be extras, I think that would be best for everyone.

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Stulaw said:
The screens look really nice. I hope that they only have sonic as a playable character in single player. The rest can just be extras, I think that would be best for everyone.

Dunno why. We havn't had a proper race mode in a Sonic game for ages, and so far all we have for this is a shitty sounding battle mode. A Secret Rings mini-game fest beater, but still.

Also if the character's are optional there's no reason not to include them.

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mOojc said:
Where is Shadow's GUNSSSSS?!!!1

The fact that shadow does not have a gun is good because I dont think that in the wold of King Auther there were guns. So if there were gun sit would be out of place and a new type of history

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Give me a simple sonic game, 10 levels, 3 acts. 3 characters to play through and I'm sold.

But no...

Hopefully they'll allow other characters, it's been confirmed, but not how they'd be used.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Super Sonic said:
mOojc said:
Where is Shadow's GUNSSSSS?!!!1

The fact that shadow does not have a gun is good because I dont think that in the wold of King Auther there were guns. So if there were gun sit would be out of place and a new type of history

Lol Super Sonic I think you need to learn the word sarcasm Smilie

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Stulaw said:
The screens look really nice. I hope that they only have sonic as a playable character in single player. The rest can just be extras, I think that would be best for everyone.

AMAGAWD Sonic Cycle

( Edited 13.01.2009 00:32 by Nami )

Nami said:

AMAGAWD Sonic Cycle

Don't you ever mention the Sonic Cycle again or I swear I'l-.

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SuperLink said:
Nami said:

AMAGAWD Sonic Cycle

Don't you ever mention the Sonic Cycle again or I swear I'l-.

the cycle dont really work on this seeing as we know he use a sword

Dark Knight Shadow (guest) 24.07.2010#20

Look, some people may like the game, others may not,Give people a chance to state their opinians

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