With Nintendo pumping out their major installments in the last two years, including Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, prediction wizards have been hopeful for the ground-up Wii version of Zelda to thrill gamers next year.
The last in the long-line of Hylian capers came all the way back in 2006, over 2 years for Europeans and even longer for those in the US. With Nintendo finishing the game early in 2006 (and consequently adding Wii control/revisions), it could be quite a likely result to see a new game three years later.
Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian listed 22 titles that could help drive game sales after a fairly disappointing year for the industry. It's still speculation on his part, but he justified why he felt Nintendo will bring the Hero of Time to stores quite quickly after his last trip.
The last Zelda installment, The Twilight Princess, was a launch game for the Wii in November of 2006. It was originally announced as an exclusive for Nintendo's previous console, the GameCube, but was adapted to headline the slate of traditional gamer offerings at the Wii launch. Twilight Princess did arrive on the GameCube, but its release was staggered a month after its Wii counterpart.
Do you think that we'll be seeing a new Zelda in 2009?