Analyst Predicts New Zelda in 2009

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.12.2008 31

Analyst Predicts New Zelda in 2009 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo pumping out their major installments in the last two years, including Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, prediction wizards have been hopeful for the ground-up Wii version of Zelda to thrill gamers next year.

The last in the long-line of Hylian capers came all the way back in 2006, over 2 years for Europeans and even longer for those in the US. With Nintendo finishing the game early in 2006 (and consequently adding Wii control/revisions), it could be quite a likely result to see a new game three years later.

Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian listed 22 titles that could help drive game sales after a fairly disappointing year for the industry. It's still speculation on his part, but he justified why he felt Nintendo will bring the Hero of Time to stores quite quickly after his last trip.

The last Zelda installment, The Twilight Princess, was a launch game for the Wii in November of 2006. It was originally announced as an exclusive for Nintendo's previous console, the GameCube, but was adapted to headline the slate of traditional gamer offerings at the Wii launch. Twilight Princess did arrive on the GameCube, but its release was staggered a month after its Wii counterpart.

Do you think that we'll be seeing a new Zelda in 2009?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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What do the first four letters of Analyst say to you? Smilie

( Edited 23.12.2008 11:48 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
What do the first four letters of Analist say to you? ;o

That superlink can't spell ;-Smilie;-Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It'll be announced yeah. It won't come out till 2010 at the earliest and I'm sure it'll get delayed to 2011.

Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian listed 22 titles that could help drive game sales after a fairly disappointing year for the industry.

Is this a report from 1973?

Less posty, more gamey.

jb said:
That superlink can't spell ;-Smilie;-Smilie

Sh-.. uhm you weren't supposed to pay attention to the fifth letter. Smilie

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I will be shocked if a Zelda comes out in 09 (maybe for DS). I really don't think this is going to happen. 2010, Yes. Nintendo always gives us more than a year to watch trailers and stuff. Its the way its done. We will see it at E3.

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Were i Nintendo, i'd try the best i could to release it at the very same time Final Fantasy 13 will be released, to interfere with their sales. Even though it might end up lower its launch sales, Zelda games always sell well in the long run anyway, which FF series don't.

It would be a clever commercial hit to their competition IMHO. But still, knowing Nintendo, they won't i think. Plus i don't expect this Zelda game to be released so soon.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

This is something I wrote in last Februari:!CFB5C9AABAE03C6B!558.entry

I predicted a Zelda revelation at E³, with a 2009 launch. It would have been the same timing as TWW/TP. I was wrong, all they did last E³ was saying it\'s in development.

So now I guess they\'ll reveal it at or before E³. They\'ll aim for a holiday 2009 launch, which will become spring 2010.

( Edited 23.12.2008 14:12 by Canyarion )

We'll be seeing the new Zelda in 2009, I'm almost certain
However we will be able to look and not touch until probably 2010
Maybe around the holiday season

Fairly disappointing year / BS. For Wii owners perhaps, but certainly not for the industry.

Next year will be tough, but despite I think it will be an amazing year with what I think is due. I think with project budgets expected to drop, download services like Wii Ware and DSi Ware, and the rest, are going to do pretty well. That will be great for the innovation we see, experimentation will mean aspects such as new gameplay mechanics will filter through to larger disc and card based projects.

E3 will be huge again and will have some major ass surprises in store. I can feel it in my bones already.

ChibiRobo, Punch Out, Sin and Punishment 2 wii sports 2, disaster, kirby 3, proect hammer and forever blue 2 are the only slightly-big games Nintendo is publishing so far in 2009 as far as I can work out.

may sound like a lot, but none o these have the pulling power of smash bros, zelda, mario, metroid or even animal crossing or Pokemon.

I\'ll wait as long as it takes for the next Zelda to come out. I\'d rather have a game with the legendary polish Nintendo is known for than some churned-out sequel to appease shrieking fanboys. Hell, I\'d rather they make like Blizzard, and not even announce a release date until they are SURE it\'s ready. I preordered Twilight Princess and then it was delayed for like two years. Eventually I got so burnt out on it that I just stopped paying attention. The sad part is, I still haven\'t played it.

Frankly, I\'d like to see Nintendo developing/publishing some new IPs, specifically some to win over hardcore gamers.

( Edited 23.12.2008 18:27 by gatotsu911 )

I very much doubt it'll be coming out next year, I know they've probably been working on it since before Twilight Princess came out, but no, not atleast till 2010.

aburnett said:
ChibiRobo, Punch Out, Sin and Punishment 2 wii sports 2, disaster, kirby 3, proect hammer and forever blue 2 are the only slightly-big games Nintendo is publishing so far in 2009 as far as I can work out.

Project Hammer was cancelled ages ago.

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Honestly, in a recession and these video game analysts still have jobs? C'mon, we make better predictions than these.

maybe a DS but not for wii

Kafei2006 said:
Were i Nintendo, i'd try the best i could to release it at the very same time Final Fantasy 13 will be released, to interfere with their sales.

That is the most stupid comment I've year this year. Why would Nintendo want to interfere with FF13 sales, when FF13 has the potential to interfere with the next zelda game sales. Nintendo would just be starting a "fight" and lose out on sales in the end.

IF Nintendo were clever they would keep well away from the FF release date (and if that couldn't be helped right before the FF release).

i wonder if the next zelda they make for wii will be similar graphics to twilight princess or toon shaded like in the wind waker.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Linkyshinks said:
E3 will be huge again and will have some major ass surprises in store. I can feel it in my bones already.

That's how I felt about this year, and look how that turned out. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Angus said:
Honestly, in a recession and these video game analysts still have jobs? C'mon, we make better predictions than these.

Lol, you make a strikingly good point!

Not good for Zelda to clash with the Japanese FFXIII release date, but the western one maybe. Zelda is VERY popular in the west, and FF isn't as much as it used to be.

On the other hand, I WANT FFXIII to do well, especially on 360, 'cos it means more S-E support on it ;P

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Not good for Zelda to clash with the Japanese FFXIII release date, but the western one maybe. Zelda is VERY popular in the west, and FF isn\'t as much as it used to be.

On the other hand, I WANT FFXIII to do well, especially on 360, \'cos it means more S-E support on it ;P

you! out side now Smilie

ps joking <_<

i dont think it right for a japan dev to think more about making the west happy Smilie it start to lose what made it good

( Edited 24.12.2008 00:00 by Jump_button )

News: Analyst make more complete guess\'s

Was there anything else?


And personaly I dont want to see Zelda yet.
Let them work behind the scenes on the technology needed to make it truely great.
(MotionPlus based sword stuff, IK-based charecter moment chains, etc).
Take there time. Let this period of insane profit and health give them time to make a route for the future of the franchise and a technological backbone for many games to come.

Twlight Princess was utterly amazing, but it also made clear the next game would have to do something majorly new to make an impact.

And for that, it will take many expirements and many tea-tables up-ended.

No, next year I hope to see some more new framchise\'s from Nintendo. Purhapes an unexpected sequal or two that would fit the wii (Giest2? Lugias Mansion2? Both would work great with the controlls....).

Nintendo should also release level packs for old games ver WiiWare. Specific mario.
Quick to develope for, and would be very popular, imho.

Really though, its all about the 3rd partys next year;

Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Tales Of_, Cursed Mountine, Conduit, Fragile.

( Edited 24.12.2008 00:24 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Linkyshinks said:
Fairly disappointing year / BS. For Wii owners perhaps, but certainly not for the industry.

Exactly what I was about to say.

It's still speculation on his part, but he justified why he felt Nintendo will bring the Hero of Time to stores quite quickly after his last trip.

The "Hero of Time" died years agoSmilie! It's the "Chosen Hero" now.

On topic: We are due another Four Swords... Smilie

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

Sweet, I love the Zelda series!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

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