FFCC: Crystal Bearers for Wii Still Coming

By Adam Riley 22.12.2008 14

FFCC: Crystal Bearers for Wii Still Coming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst many people have firmly believed that Crystal Bearers on Wii was cancelled, Square Enix has confirmed it is still coming, just as stated by Cubed3 on several occasions thanks to comments made by Square Enix Europe. Thankfully, though, concrete proof of its existence has arisen in Japan at a presentation for the upcoming 29th January, 2009 release of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time on Wii and DS.

It appears that fans that buy the Wii version of Echoes of Time will be treated to a special trailer of Crystal Bearers, the game that was first unveiled three years ago. Whilst no release date has yet to be confirmed, C3 has many a time speculated that a late-2009 release is likely and it would not seem to unrealistic at this stage.

As well as the news of the trailer, three screenshots were released and can be seen in the media folder below, although they have been seen before. In addition to the special trailer, both DS and Wii versions of Echoes of Time will come with an FFCC soundtrack with four tunes on from the series' past.

For reference, below are the two trailers seen so far, from E3 2005 and E3 2007, respectively:

Will the game have changed much by the time the new trailer is revealed? What would you like to see from the final product - something more like a traditional Final Fantasy, or a more Secret of Mana-like experience?

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Yay it's coming! Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I Wonder why it's taken so long. It's been almost 3 years since it was first announced.

Still, glad it's on its way.

i was starting to lose hope

Maybe it'll be good?

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

I love that second trailer. The opening rendition of the Final Fantasy theme gives me goosebumps. Smilie

While I\'m not expecting it to be like a traditional Final Fantasy, I do think it\'ll be as well made and polished as the numbered series.

( Edited 22.12.2008 21:52 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Wow that looks pretty awesome Smilie

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3 years + development time, this should be 1 of the best wii games without fail.

I definitely think it'd be cool to do FFCC from the GC in the Play on Wii range, replacing GBA Link-Up with DS Wi-Fi functionality. FFCC GC was such a cool game - would be great to see if get more attention.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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SuperLink said:
Yay it\'s coming! Smilie

NOOO!!! Smilie

Zephyr said:
Maybe it\'ll be good?

Doubt it.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Hoefully the long development time means that Square-Enix are making something special. Smilie


MiiWiiKing said:
3 years + development time, this should be 1 of the best wii games without fail.

The game will fail as much as your post did.

Jesus did the wii get treated right yet and get an ACTUAL Final Fantasy game???

The FFCC series is a load of horse shit.
What makes ye think that this one is going to be any good. The best one was below average at best.

( Edited 23.12.2008 00:10 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

This one isn't multiplayer focused like the other ones though.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:
This one isn't multiplayer focused like the other ones though.

So? I've played the previous ones in multiplayer.

It will be shit if it has anything to do with cc.


80% is not below average.


77% is not below average either.

Dosnt nesscely mean this one would be good...I got a hunch they had problems half way into development or something.
But it does mean you shouldnt exadurate.
The previous games were "good" not great, but pretty fun in multiplayer.
They showed much potential.

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Darkflame said:

80% is not below average.


77% is not below average either.

Dosnt nesscely mean this one would be good...I got a hunch they had problems half way into development or something.
But it does mean you shouldnt exadurate.
The previous games were "good" not great, but pretty fun in multiplayer.
They showed much potential.

Oh I'm so sorry! Smilie Let me rephrase:

IMHO the games are shit.

I loved the GC game, and the DS one was excellent for the hardware too. I'm a big fan of the series, so I'm looking forward to this a huge amount.

I won't hold it against Birdo since I know the series has lots of haters.

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