Keiji Inafune: Mega Man 10 Possible on User Feedback

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.12.2008 7

Keiji Inafune: Mega Man 10 Possible on User Feedback on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Keji Inafune recently talked Mega Man, with positive feedback for a possible 10th entry in the main series.

There have been many different Mega Man games, spin-offs and side stories, but hardcore fans of Capcom's mascot have stuck to the classic series. With the 9th entry making its way to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft's download services, with critical acclaim, it seems that a 10th one wouldn't be far off.

1UP: If the game is successful and you go on to make, say, Mega Man 10, what would you do to keep the game from being a rehash of previous Mega Man games?

KI: This title has been revived based on our users' feedback. They indicated that they wanted to see it again, so if we can continue to find ways to involve users and use their feedback to evolve the game, I think we can go on to continue to make MM10, MM11, and so on. The main point is how and if we can continue to incorporate user feedback into the creation of the game.

1UP: You have some Mega Man Legends characters in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Will their appearance build a case for a Mega Man Legends sequel, at long last?

KI: [Laughs] I think you're reading into it too much. I have hope to make a new Mega Man Legends, but that's not the reasoning behind including those characters in Tatsunoko VS Capcom. I think you're reading into it too much.

Inafune also discusses Mega Man Legends, Bionic Commando, character designs and more in 1up's Interview.

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (10 Votes)

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MM9 is very cool, if somewhat insanely hard(!!), so perhaps they could tone it down just a LITTLE bit for MM10...It'd be interesting if they went with a 16bit style as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

The only change I would want to see in a Mega Man 10 is the re-addition of the Mega Buster and the Slide. I still don't understand why they took them out in Mega Man 9 (yeah, I know Proto Man has those, but that is like playing the game on Satan's difficulty level Smilie ).

I think they should just keep adding new levels to MM9 rather than making a MM10.

I want another Network Transmission game Smilie

As for old-school games; Just give us a level editor, and a way to swap/rank levels. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I want another Network Transmission game Smilie

uhhh...that game is awful.

( Edited 20.12.2008 20:37 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Why :?
Seemed pretty darn good to me.
2D platform shotter with a good challenge level, a nice puzzle element with what to select each level to use...decent graphics, and complete with unaltered Japanease voiceover.

Sure, it wasnt revolutionary or anything, but what was awfull about it? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

i think 10 should be a fps. i think it was last year where inafune was commenting on how well metroid made the transition to 3d. so heres hoping they try somthing different, it could breath new life into the series

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