The latest issue of Nintendo Power has shed more light on Sonic's Medieval Wii Adventure.
From the Magazine, the control scheme for Black Knight will be using the Nunchuk Analog Stick for general movement, the A button to jump, Wii remote shake or swipe to attack, and Z on the Nunchuk to block.
Three of the Sonic Universe's Characters will feature heavily in this game; Knuckles, Shadow, and Blaze the Cat. For the story, they'll be three of the Knights of the Round Table, and at first, they will be bosses, although they will become your allies when beaten, and may even be playable.
Akin to the Secret Rings, each environment has about 6 to 9 missions to beat. Fighting styles for the game include a Cavalier style that focuses on Speed, a Paladin style for Strength and a Knight Style that combines both Speed and Strength. Also like Secret Rings, you can obtain new skills as you go through the game, and a multiplayer mode returns too, Battle and Survivor Modes here.
Lastly, there will be an online element of play, with Solo Missions that are designed specifically for ranked online challenges.
After the success of Secret Rings and Sonic Unleashed, will C3 readers be interested in picking this one up?