Nintendo Apologises for Racist Comment in Animal Crossing Wii

By Adam Riley 08.12.2008 14

Nintendo Apologises for Racist Comment in Animal Crossing Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A surprising turn of events recently cropped up whilst Nintendo was in the midst of promoting Animal Crossing for Wii in the US. Now an official statement has been released regarding it. Strangely enough Nintendo has been sending members of the US Press copies of the 2005 release Animal Crossing: Wild World for Nintendo DS, complete with plenty of features that can be transferred over to the Wii edition, Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City ('City Folk' in the US). During the process of transferring data, journalists have spotted an interesting comment from a conversation between two characters. The full comment is

In response to this, Nintendo of America has release the following statement:

Previously played copies of the 2005 DS game 'Animal Crossing: Wild World' were sent to 14 members of the media to demonstrate the ability of players to transfer items to the new 'Animal Crossing: City Folk' for Wii.' We regret that an offensive phrase was included without our knowledge via a wireless function that allows user-generated catchphrases to spread virally from one game to the next. This version is limited to 14 copies created for media review purposes only and is not available at retailers. We sincerely apologise for the incident and are working with media who received the game cards to return them to Nintendo immediately.

Thankfully this has not made it into the retail release, or Nintendo would be receiving heaps of hassle from the media, just as it did when Mario Party 8 used the word 'spazzed' to replace 'crazy' and Ubisoft's MindQuiz called people a 'Super Spaz' is they did not do particularly well in its challenges. Currently Nintendo is oddly getting the blame for Ubisoft's Scrabble 2007 for DS, which includes the words following words:
Box art for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Also known as

Animal Crossing: City Folk









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Its a shame the world is so childish.
Context is what makes a word raciest, not the arrangement of letters itself. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Saw the Scrabble game one in the paper today. The average mother knows nothing about games and blame the people who make "the Nintendo" for the obscene words in the game. It's not Nintendo's fault at all.

But to be fair about the Animal Crossing thing, they should have given the media newly published games rather than ones that had been used and had user-added content in.

Isn't that user generated though? I mean how can you hold the developer/publisher responsible for user generated obscenity? Its like blaming blizzard for people swearing on bnet.

Yea I agree, I don't see why Nintendo has to do the apologising, Nigga.

Yeah this is user gen stuff, but they should have screened the content better if they were going to send it out.

Shit, fucker, tits and toke

Hold on a minuit. Its SCRABBLE. the aim of the game is to get rid of all the possible words, and those words happen to be in the english language if I am not mistaken. Just have a kid freindly mode or something. I mean, if you have the letters 'hist' to get rid of them, you are obviously going to put down 'shit'. And it is not nintendo's fault, its Ubisoft. Nintendo don't check the games, they just give out their little golden seal of shovelware.

They should have made up a story that one of the characters is named Nigga. And then blame the people for thinking so racistically. Would have been fun.

Our member of the week

I could tell you about a dozen swear words in my own language that were allowed by the game in AC for GameCube. There are so many that it's hard to keep track of em all. In fact, if they forgot to prevent it from being generated by user shows they're not racists if they didn't even think about this word... well i think ...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yea, if this world would be more mature, and more united, there would be nothing offensive with the N word. And since there still is racism, we all have to apologise for saying nigga. Smilie

Echoes221 said:
Shit, fucker, tits and toke

Hold on a minuit. Its SCRABBLE. the aim of the game is to get rid of all the possible words, and those words happen to be in the english language if I am not mistaken. Just have a kid freindly mode or something. I mean, if you have the letters 'hist' to get rid of them, you are obviously going to put down 'shit'. And it is not nintendo's fault, its Ubisoft. Nintendo don't check the games, they just give out their little golden seal of shovelware.

I'm pretty sure there's a Junior mode - the parent didn't read the manual properly and got a sappy picture of her and her "influenced" son for the papers.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

They forgot to censor out a lot of other rude words. Like wanker. Smilie

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Leave it to the media(papers mainly) to exagerate the truth.

I read that thing about the swearwords in the Scrabble game and wasn't suprised the mother blamed it on Nintendo, even though it clearly says publised by Ubisoft on the back, and the lack of ignorance towards the intructions (there is a Junior mode without the swearing, hence the 3+ age rating), also, I swear that they found the swear words last year and did an article on it.

As for the racism in Animal crossing, lets just say that it's not racist.

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"Love you long time!! How are you, Nigga?"

This game isn't the first place I heard this sentence.

LOL, seeing this article, made me cry from laughter.

If people don't want the phrase, they should goto some high schools or Middles schools, you'll hear it about every 16 feet.

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