DJ Tiesto Teams with Activision for DJ Hero

By Adam Riley 08.12.2008 4

DJ Tiesto Teams with Activision for DJ Hero on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the massive success of the Guitar Hero franchise, it was always suspected other spin-offs would arise. Now DJ Hero has been re-confirmed by a somewhat unlikely source - the immensely popular Dutch music maestro DJ Tiesto. Whilst Activision has still yet to formally announce the game, it has practically been confirmed by numerous different sources during the year.

Tiesto stated in his newsletter that:

We are proud to announce that Tiesto has teamed up with the game developer Activision and their latest project DJ Hero. I am very excited about this! I think this is a great way to introduce people into DJing. Maybe they realise it's not as easy as they think. I am sure this brings new fans to the scene, dance music is not far from hip-hop for example. Hopefully the music I have composed appeals to all kinds of fans!

DJ Hero is said to be shipping with a turntable controller for increased realism, plus have added support for the various Guitar Hero peripherals for use in multiplayer jam sessions. DJ Paul Oakenfold has also been quoted as saying he has seen DJ Hero in action, but whether or not he will be involved in the finally tracklisting is currently unknown.

As well as Guitar Hero and DJ Hero, there has been talk of a possible Drum Hero, and Activision recently trademarked the name Dance Hero as well.

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Gief Sash!

DJ Tiesto ey? Hmmm I think I would rather get some DJ Mangoo, Alice Deejay, Lasgo, Infected Mushroom, Broklyn Bounce... But meh let's see how this turns out Smilie

Ok I am not a fan of guitar hero, but this would seem to work much better for a game. Maybe its just the fact that I prefer electronica, trance and house than to other genres, or maybe it's because Tiesto is on their team. Smilie

This could be fun.

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