Animal Crossing Wii/DS Region Locked

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2008 7

Animal Crossing Wii/DS Region Locked on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans who bought their DS copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World in a different region may have problems with Wii transfers.

It looks like Australian fans who have waited for the Wii version of Animal Crossing won't be able to use their DS saves to transfer rare items across using the briefcase feature.

Whilst using imported DS games with your Wii is not advised due to differences in regions, it looks like Nintendo has been caught out: The Australian copies of Animal Crossing DS are infact US versions with a different sticker. When prompted at the beginning of the game, your cat chum will politely note that the game is incompatible:

Image for Animal Crossing Wii/DS Region Locked
Box art for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Also known as

Animal Crossing: City Folk









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Wow. Proof then that at least Australia should be getting Nintendo games at the same time as North America.

Azzy said:
Wow. Proof then that at least Australia should be getting Nintendo games at the same time as North America.

Not at all, Importation taxes are high in Australia, it\'s a simple as that, the fact it is the same product means nothing.

( Edited 05.12.2008 06:31 by Linkyshinks )

Ouch. I guess Nintendo will be replacing Animal Crossing DS games then.

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Plus, Australia uses the same TV format as Europe : PAL ! In fact in think that Australian Wii AC are just NTSC games forced into PAL Mode by some tweaking (you can do it using an homebrew tool so it has to be possible to do it in 100% official games as well).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Even less reason for me to get this then. My ACWW is NTSC.

EDIT: Nintendo majorly screwed up huh?

( Edited 05.12.2008 13:50 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
Even less reason for me to get this then. My ACWW is NTSC.

Ya, it will likely not work - will try it out though.

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Wow this is epic fail, Why do things become region locked anyways?

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