N Revolution Closes Due to Casual

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2008 14

N Revolution Closes Due to Casual on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

UK Publisher Imagine has confirmed the closure of N Revolution magazine, due to lack of hardcore readership.

The magazine, exclusively covering Nintendo DS and Wii, will stop being published with resources going towards more popular monthlies - including GamesTM and RetroGamer.

The decision to suspend N•Revolution has been taken because it has become increasingly obvious that Nintendo's strategy for Wii and DS is no longer in line with Imagine Publishing's target readership, and has moved increasingly away from the hardcore gaming community that is our specialty.

With many new launches and especially acquisitions coming to fruition, we believe the resources and manpower are better spent in other markets where advertising revenue and PR support are stronger and sustained.

Imagine will continue to drive purchases of Nintendo software with games™, Retro Gamer and our new multiformat videogames website, NowGamer.com, and we hope to work closely with Nintendo in the future on those magazines.

N Revolution, Damian Butt

Thanks to MCV.

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lol. I'd never even heard of them, did they have a wide readership anyway?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they started publishing the magazine around the time of the Wii Launch. I have the first issue (and only the first issue). From what I can remember it wasn't a great magazine but wasn't bad either (better than the official one anyway, I could make a magazine more interesting than that garbage).

all news in mag are old anyway to the hardcore gamer

we have C3 and other good site right guys lol

No one reads magazines anymore, they go onlineSmilie. Seriously though I never heard of this magazine.

Why pay for magazines when you have the Internet?

Can't say i'm suprised. Most hardcore gamers get their information on games from the internet.

I do still buy the odd magazine, but not on a regular basis. I have a habbit of keeping them to look back on in the future. So I try not to buy too many otherwise i'd have a house full. Smilie

It's a shame they won't be making the magazine anymore, it looked quite good.

I still read ONM and I might continue my subscription for one last year, but I have far too many now and it's taking up lots of space. It hasn't been as good recently as well, in my opinion.

If I remember rightly, prior to N-Revolution, they made CUBE magazine, which I collected from issue 1 to 52 (from before the GC was released to not too long before the Wii came out). And I was a big fan of CUBE. They didn't mess about and weren't afraid to talk about and admit to playing the other consoles on the market (PS2 and Xbox). But they were big Nintendo fans too, and the magazine was well written and humorous.

It's sad to hear they have had to close their Wii and DS mag, but I'm not too surprised. With the amount of casual people and non-gamers who have bought the Wii, they aren't likely to buy a magazine because they aren't hardcore fans. And there are plenty of hardcore Nintendo fans who have abandoned the Wii or not even bothered with it. So they too have no reason to purchase Wii mags either.

It's sad to see this happen to be honest, but perhaps now being able to invest more on the multiformat mags like GamesTM is a good choice.

Trepe said:
Can't say i'm suprised. Most hardcore gamers get their information on games from the internet.

I do still buy the odd magazine, but not on a regular basis. I have a habbit of keeping them to look back on in the future. So I try not to buy too many otherwise i'd have a house full. Smilie

Same here. When I moved house my mum said I had too many to take. Rather then throw any away I ripped out pages of adverts/things I didn't care about.

It's amazing how little you actually get in a magazine compared to how thick the mag is, but still they're good every once in a while, especially while travelling (although if I was buying a mag nowadays it wouldn't be a gaming one).

I like things on paper, therefore I get my ONM everymonth. TBH its crappy ( I spot spelling mistakes in every issue and sometimes info is a little out of date due to when they wrote it) compared to NOM but what the hey. I enjoy it, they often have things in it that I havent heard on the forums too!Smilie
I also get new scientist so yeh. I like collecting things.

( Edited 03.12.2008 23:07 by Echoes221 )

I've never heard of this mag, but it's a shame.

The internet has almost completely overshadowed magazines, anyway. They just can't compete. Breaking news as it's announced, screens, video clips, etc. There has to be some sort of incentive to subscribe to one. Still, there is something to be said about subscribing to your favorite gaming mag. Smilie

Well, the fact that this is getting chocked up to the 'casual' audience is definitely going to feed the fire. Hardcore audience: "See! Nintendo HAS abandoned us!! Let's riot!!". Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Like Birdo, I've only ever had the first issue of the magazine and it wasn't great, although the reviews in it were actually better than ONM's.

But yeah, as everyone has pointed out, magazine's of this type will be pointless and will probably cease to exist within a couple of years, but then I do like to have things physically, I like looking at pictures on paper because I find that screens are too bright to look at and alter the images a bit.

I only ever bought French Nintendo magazines to practice my French for GCSE.

Now those are over I don\'t read anything written on paper.


( Edited 03.12.2008 23:37 by Simon_ )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++


How laughable. In other words they're blaming the magical market for not selling enough magazines in an era where all magazines are most definitely down and das ist intornetz are taking their readers.

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