With Jump Festa 2009 only a few weeks away, Square Enix has updated exactly what titles it will have on show there and what will be playable. So far it has been revealed that only the DS duo of Dragon Quest IX and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be playable for Nintendo fans, however this may well change by the time of the show, especially since Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is so close to release and Chocobo Tales 2 will be out close to that time as well.
Below is the list of Nintendo titles on show:
- Dragon Quest IX (DS)
- Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS)
- Lost Winds (Wii)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS, Wii)
- Blood of Bahamut (DS)
- Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales 2 (DS)
- Chrono Trigger (DS)
- Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo & Cid's Dungeon+ (DS)
- Pingu no Waku Waku Carnival! (DS)
- Snoopy DS: Snoopy to Chuugen Taichi ni Ei ni Iku! (DS)