Miyamoto Reflects on Wii Music

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.12.2008 11

Miyamoto Reflects on Wii Music on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The brains behind one of the Wii's most experimental projects, Wii Music, discussed negative feedback from the press.

Shigeru Miyamoto recently spoke to Edge Onlinre, reflecting on the impact of Wii Music, educational qualities and also confirming that more softare is on the way for the console.

What's your response to some of the poor reviews Wii Music has received in the gaming press? Did you expect it to be misunderstood?

Well, we have just come to the stage where some people have played Wii Music for the first time, and in most cases they are still playing by themselves, but I think there is more to playing games than just playing by yourself. Playing a challenging game by yourself is of course a really important aspect of videogames, but in most videogames there are other aspects, like how you will associate or compare with other players.

My hope is of course that a gradually increasing number of people will get access to Wii Music and understand its fun nature. I really don't think that it will have the immediate and universal appeal around the world at all [laughs].

I really appreciate that the gaming media has a different view of anything as new as Wii Music today - it's simply symbolises how different and unique Wii Music is. To tell the truth, I have this big ambition for Wii Music, that it can eventually be something very influential so that it might be able to influence what music means in the world.

Is it true that Wii Music is the last of the games from your original list of ideas for Wii software?

[Laughs] Yes, it is true that the existing Wii games, including Wii Music, were on the top priority list, but there is some other software, of course [laughs], but I cannot talk about it!

Wii Music recently received a C3 score of 7/10.

Box art for Wii Music








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (22 Votes)

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Poor man. Smilie

The idea of Wii Music is great, they just needed to make it better.

Why he cant understand that the game just sucks????

It\'s not a game. Take it for what it is. I\'m looking forward to playing with this over Xmas.

( Edited 02.12.2008 13:33 by dartmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

Canyarion said:
Poor man. Smilie

The idea of Wii Music is great, they just needed to make it better.

Yeah, it seemed incomplete in a few ways, though to me Wii Music is the D- to the honor student that is Nintendo. I mean in the two years the Wii has been out we've seen Zelda, Metroid, 2 Mario Games (Galaxy and Paper Mario) Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, Warioware, Wario Land, with all these games under Nintendo's belt, I'd be burned out too.

I really appreciate that the gaming media has a different view of anything as new as Wii Music today - it's simply symbolises how different and unique Wii Music is.

So he thinks that the games uniquness is in the games crappiness?

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

They just don't understand it, its way above their level of comprehension.

dartmonkey said:
It's not a game. Take it for what it is. I'm looking forward to playing with this over Xmas.

Take it for what it is?
It's a game, and not a very good one, period.

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
dartmonkey said:
It's not a game. Take it for what it is. I'm looking forward to playing with this over Xmas.

Take it for what it is?
It's a game, and not a very good one, period.

No it's not, Miyamoto had made that very clear.

JustJoe said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
dartmonkey said:
It's not a game. Take it for what it is. I'm looking forward to playing with this over Xmas.

Take it for what it is?
It's a game, and not a very good one, period.

No it's not, Miyamoto had made that very clear.

Yea, its the one thing Miyamoto was always talking about when mentioning Wii Music. He would say "oh this is not a game. It is not like guitar hero where you press buttons as the game indicates and the buttons start going faster. This is about making your own music. I for one, would rather make music acoustically and not use electronics, prbly only the mics and amps and stuff, but miyamoto is lazy so he prefers wii music. There are others like that.


Less posty, more gamey.
Guest 03.12.2008#11

Yeah I agree. Miyamoto is pretty lazy. If he was a bit more motivated he would probably learn a real instrument like a banjo or something.

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