Atari Resurrects Ready 2 Rumble for Wii (Updated)

By Shane Jury 02.12.2008 4

Atari Resurrects Ready 2 Rumble for Wii (Updated) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: Atari has confirmed a recent Amazon listing for Ready 2 Rumble Boxing on the Wii.

Atari issued a press release for the game today:

The hilarious Ready 2 Rumble franchise is flexing its muscles and planning a major, star-studded return to the ring in spring 2009 with the launch of Ready 2 Rumble Revolution, the newest game in the much-loved series. Bringing the franchise to Wii for the first time, the game retains all the knockout features of best-sellers Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 1 and Round 2, while delivering a knockout punch of style and attitude. Tailored to take advantage of the motion-controlled realism of Wii, Ready 2 Rumble Revolution makes landing a punch more fun than ever.

Ready 2 Rumble Revolution is poised to take back the title as the undisputed champion of arcade boxing games and we hope to reach an even bigger audience than ever thanks to the huge popularity of Wii. The outrageous celebrity caricatures paired with a fun boxing experience made even more over-the-top thanks to the Wii controllers will make the newest version of this famed franchise a must-have for all fans of boxing and physical fun on Wii.

Phil Harrison, President of Infogrames, the parent company of Atari.

Ready 2 Rumble Revolution will put the swagger back into the boxing ring and promote an adrenaline-boosting, positive will to win attitude in the hearts and minds of fans of all ages.

Gaspard de Dreuzy, President of Stereo Mode and executive producer of the game.

Original Story:

A recent Amazon listing suggests that Atari will soon reveal more on the third in the Ready 2 Rumble Boxing series.

Since being briefly mentioned a year ago, all that had been given on the title was the tentative name of Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution, that AKI, of WWF No Mercy fame would be handling Developing duties, also that Michael Buffer would be returning as the ring announcer, and that the game would be released on Wii and most other consoles.

Amazon's Game page offers a few more new details on the game, including;

- All-New Roster: 20 new crazy boxers
- Wii controllers for intuitive gameplay
- Dodge, weave and punch opponents
- Fictional characters, Over-the-top action, celebrity caricatures
- Better, stronger, funnier!

A speculative release date of May 19th 2009 has also been offered, but only the Wii format has been given in the details. Could Atari be going toe-to-toe with Nintendo's Punch Out!! next year?

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lol, it returns.

What's the point of this if "Punch-Out" is coming soon? Which would you rather buy? That's my question.

to be fair i enjoyed ready2rumble on the n64. it was 1 of my favoured fighters alongside K.I gold and Fighters Destiny and was a firm multiplayer favourite. As far as punchout goes who knows how its going to turn out. we havent seen it since the snes but if M+ is used it should be intresting.(as long as they dont try to beef out the boxing game from wiisports and do a bodge job with the visuals)

Which would i rather buy? for now id say ready2rumble with a view to trade for punchout if its not bodged


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