FFCC: Echoes of Time DSi Bundle

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2008 4

FFCC: Echoes of Time DSi Bundle on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square-Enix will be releasing a FFCC: Echoes of Time and DSi bundle with sample soundtrack.

According to GoNintendo, from January 29th, fans can buy a uniquely themed DSi, a copy of the latest Crystal Chronicles entry and a neat soundtrack sampler with four different themes to grace your ears. The set will be available for the equivalent of $250 (US)

1) "Infinite Sky Should"
2) "Ring of Fates Medley"
3) "Crystal Chronicles - Main Theme"
4) "Echoes of Time - Main Theme"

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Between this and the Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days bundle that comes with a special DSi and KH: CoM, S-E and Nintendo are churning out some great stuff for fans!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I heard about that too, but what the hell is the point in having a GBA game coming with a DSi? Smilie

I wish we got awesome consoles in the west.

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Clearly, this game will de on a DS-cartridge and is no GBA-title. What makes you think so?

I would like to buy a bundle of a DSI and one of the games mentioned from jesusraz. I hope they come to the West/Old-Europe...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
Clearly, this game will de on a DS-cartridge and is no GBA-title. What makes you think so?

It's possible, but I really don't think they'd port KH: CoM from GBA to DS just so they could release it in a bundle, it's most likely the GBA version of the game.

And I havn't heard of a DS version at all.

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