English Option for Chrono Trigger DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.11.2008 13

English Option for Chrono Trigger DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Japanese edition of Chrono Trigger DS comes with the option to play the game in English.

NeoGAF's thetrin found that his Japanese copy of the game decided to default to the DS's language, meaning the game was available in English - great news for fans of the game who can't wait those extra few days for the American version to ship. Europeans fans fortunately won't be left out of the loop with a release penned in for sometime next year.

Box art for Chrono Trigger

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (64 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Maybe this should be my first import, but then, I might have to pay import duty Smilie

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Definitely want this - will probably hold off for the Euro release as I'm currently going through the SNES version.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'll prolly get the US version when it comes out soonish.

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The US cover is nicer.

Wish they'd do things like this more often! Smilie

It's a seriously fantastic game to start with and this DS version is very cool indeed. I love the fact that there are so many options available - either use the new 'made for DS' version, using the touch-screen for accessing the menu via shortcuts, moving Crono around and selecting battle options, or just play the 'classic' SNES way. S-E's tailored this to both new and old audiences.

The soundtrack sounds so much better on the DS as well, especially when using headphones. I've just been sat listening to the tunes I've unlocked so far in the jukebox mode for fun.

By the way, S-E has packed the game with copyright protection stuff, meaning it's caused a slight headache for hackers. There are workarounds already, but interesting to see S-E putting special code in their DS games to block people.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
By the way, S-E has packed the game with copyright protection stuff, meaning it's caused a slight headache for hackers. There are workarounds already, but interesting to see S-E putting special code in their DS games to block people.

This is the kind of blocking I like. Why are S-E the onlys ones to have done it? They did it with FFCC DS aswell.

This way we can stop piracy and keep Homebrew going. ;D

BTW, does anyone know if the DS version has any Anime cutscenes? I thought there were some in the PS1 version but I'm not sure.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

There are something like 18 anime scenes from what I've seen so far.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
There are something like 18 anime scenes from what I\'ve seen so far.

Wow, that\'s fantastic for a DS game! o.0; Especially when ToS on GC only had like 4.

I\'m impressed. S-E are so good at impressing me. D:

( Edited 21.11.2008 14:44 by SuperLink )

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If you've got any other Qs about the game, just let me know...I'm thoroughly impressed with it so far. Sounds like some of the music has been spruced up as well. Perhaps it's just been re-jigged to suit the DS set-up, but it sounds amazing!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hmm, might import this one soonish. Smilie

Might trade off my Fable 2 for CT DS. The auto selecting of the language makes it much easier to import.

Surprised to see no retrospective fap-fest. CT deserves it. Smilie

Sqaure > S-E, btw.

The Eng word is very small when compare with Jap word

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