Acquire Builds Town Defence on DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2008 4

Acquire Builds Town Defence on DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Acquire have released the first footage of their town defense game on the DS, Dungeons & Dam.

The game is about defending a town played out in two phases, day and night. When the sun is in view, players recruit adventurers who head out for materials and build defenses to prevent monsters from attacking at night. So where do the dungeons or dams come into play? While the beasts attack you'll need to direct flowing water to either help you or bring destruction using dams, and do battle with your attackers.

Box art for Dun-Dam: Dungeons & Dam





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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The music sounds like Japanese chipmunks. Smilie

The description reminded me of a PC game I used to play: The Horde. You were a guy in charge of protecting your village. Every week or so the monsters would come. In the meanwhile, you could grow/sell trees, buy/sell cows and hire mercanaries.
The shareware version only lasted for 3 cycles though, which was a shame.

That pic above is not a screen is it?

Why do they even bother releasing trailers with no footage!?. At least a few flashes of gameplay might actually interest people. This on the other hand does nothing.

Sound interest what day that game coming out i want try to play this game

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