Mario Tennis Wiimake Lacks GC Option

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2008 14

Mario Tennis Wiimake Lacks GC Option on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Japanese retailer has let slip some details on the WiiMake of Mario Power Tennis.

According to Wii Fanboy the remake of the well-received Mario-themed tennis sim on Wii comes as a double edged sword. On hand you've got motion controlled Wii-remote swiping, and on the other a lack of support for GameCube controllers.

You can wave your remote around to perform forehand and backhand shots, directing your ball about as in other Wii tennis titles with the types of motion varying the shot with a top spin or slice. To perform a power shot, you'll still need to tap a button (most likely A or B).

Those wanting a slice of the Tennis action without four sets of remotes and nunchuck should seek a copy of the GameCube version or wait for the eventual release of a proper Wii version.

The game, alongside Pikmin and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat make their way to store shelves again in early 2009.

Box art for Mario Power Tennis








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Is it really so surprising? Anyone who wants GCN controls can just track down the original for peanuts anyway, so there really wasn't any point in putting them in the remake.

Guest 19.11.2008#2

Well it's not like it would really take any effort to leave them in.

The original maybe around, but I've hardly seen it appear in the GameCube pile.

I don't see why it'd be hard to keep the controls in? Wii game support GameCube controls and I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue mixing and matching (Brawl, Mario Kart etc all do it).

We don't have four sets of Wii remotes or nunchucks, so that option would have been useful.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Why not offer both options? Bah. I have 2 Wiimotes, 2 Cubetrollers.

Guest 19.11.2008#5

I guess it would just be very confusing for wii owners who have no clue what a gamecube controller is.

( Edited 19.11.2008 17:27 by Bart.... )

Bart.... said:
Well it's not like it would really take any effort to leave them in.

Especially since the discs have extra space, all the would've needed to add is an extra menu

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Okay. Who here is surprised? I'm not. This is the whole point of the 'Play it on Wii' line. Anyone who's disappointed haven't been keeping up on the news.;-Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Canyarion said:
Why not offer both options? Bah. I have 2 Wiimotes, 2 Cubetrollers.
yeah - this option in smash brothers is sooo useful to me because I'm in the same situation!

oh well I wasn't going to be picking this up anyways. (go go wii sports!!!)

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I still have the GC game so there's no way I'm picking this. But I kind of agree than, specially in multiplayer games like this one, GC controller option would have been nice.

Might aaswell wait for the proper Wii version.

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I would pick this one up even if it doesn't support GC controllers. Though I'm in the bad situation of having only 2 sets of Wii controllers, all of my GC memory cards are roasted [long story] so I need this game in order to keep all Mario sport games in my collection Smilie.

I would have expected this anyway, it's the whole point of buying it for/playing it on Wii right? [as MechaG2 said].

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

I think that that is a bad idea. The GC version was very good, so why does it need to be remade? It proboly have Wi-Fi. And the graphics hopefuly will be good.Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Super Sonic said:
I think that that is a bad idea. The GC version was very good, so why does it need to be remade? It proboly have Wi-Fi. And the graphics hopefuly will be good.Smilie

It's not a remake, it's literally a re-release of the G game with Wii controls and possibly a few extras.

I'm hoping there will still be a Wii Mario Tennis after this. Power Tennis failed compared to Mario Tennis 64... (Still needs to be on VC BTW)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah virtual console needs to have mario tennis 64 smash bros and goldeneye then I\'ll be satisfied. Probably get the re released version of melee if they decide to bring it out for wii. Still kinda pointless though heres hoping for melee online XD (won\'t happen unless nintendo turn smart.... LOL!)

It\'s exactly like what capcom are doing with the resident evil games instead of making a new one their bringing out all the old ones, but I guess if 2 and 3 come out it may interest me cause 2 was bloody amazing. Claire redfield for the fucking win!!!!

( Edited 21.11.2008 22:33 by Falcon Armour X )

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