Metal Slug 7 Bonus CD For Fans

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.11.2008 2

Metal Slug 7 Bonus CD For Fans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest chapter in the Metal Slug line is out today in the US, for classic 2D side-scrolling action to the DS.

The series has had a decent run recently on Nintendo platforms, with a complete Anthology on Wii, alongside a couple of entries on the GameBoy Advance. For the DS entry players can blast their way through 7 missions using 6 different characters to help get through the non-stop barrage of bullets.

Ignition Entertainment is offering a sweet treat for fans who have gotten hold of an early copy: a CD packed full of wallpaper and videos.

Adding a premium extra to the game is our way of saying thank you to the fans who have given so much loyal support and dedication to the Metal Slug series throughout the years. We hope that Metal Slug lovers are as excited as we are about this upcoming release!

Ajay Chadha, President of Ignition Entertainment

Box art for Metal Slug 7

SNK Playmore


SNK Playmore


Run and Gun



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Guest 18.11.2008#1

We hope that Metal Slug lovers are as excited as we are about this upcoming release!

Well I don't know if that's a good way to sell your game. Would you still be excited as a developer after working every day on the same game after so many years?

I can't imagine that somehow.

I know it's too late now but if you pre-ordered you would have received a MS7 Dog Tag. Looks pretty cool too. Has the Metal Slug tank on it.

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