N-Space Co-Founder Passes Away

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2008 2

N-Space Co-Founder Passes Away on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

President and co-founder of Florida studio N-Space has passed on after losing his battle with cancer.

Gamasutra reports that Erick Dyke, alongside partner Dan O'Leary, headed the company on a range of projects including Call of Duty 4 and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for DS, and also working closely with the original GameCube shooter Geist for Nintendo.

Both within the company he loved and the video game industry as a whole, Erick was an inspiration to all those with whom he worked and touched. He will be remembered for his courage, vision, creativity, and love of life.

N-Space Statement

Our deepest condolences to Erick's family and friends, may his work with N-Space live on.

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This is very sad indeed - at just 41! Normally things like this don't effect me much, but I've dealt with Erick several times in the past, so it definitely came as a big shock...Such sad news Smilie All our thoughts must go out to his close friends and family in this trying time.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Guest 15.11.2008#2

Passed on to who/where? That's what I'm wondering.

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