Animal Crossing City Folk US, JP Ads

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2008 4

Animal Crossing City Folk US, JP Ads on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

US folk have recently seen adverts for Animal Crossing Wii with hopes for players to travel into the big city.

We see two ladies chatting away in the living room and exploring some of the new locations you can rummage through in City Folk (Let's Go to the City).

In the following one there's a wrestler adding decor to his virtual home:

The Japanese have received similar adverts, with the oriental equivalent enjoying Animal Crossing in her living room:

Box art for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Also known as

Animal Crossing: City Folk









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Where'd you get the trailer from because I can't see it

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Stulaw said:
Where'd you get the trailer from because I can't see it

That's cool, I've added a YouTubed version and also another. CheersSmilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thanks jb, the second advert was quite good lol.

The Japanese ads actually make Wii speak look good, it'll work well with animal crossing, since it's online is about visiting friends gardens.

But with other games such as the Conduit, I wonder if you'll be able to speak to random people.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
But with other games such as the Conduit, I wonder if you'll be able to speak to random people.

Smilie The chance of that happening is 0.001%. Will most likely be friends only.

Has Animal Crossin been reviewed anywhere yet?

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