Fans Annoyed at Anti-Madworld Claims

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2008 15

Fans Annoyed at Anti-Madworld Claims on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mediawatch-UK recently published emails received after their MadWorld complaints back in August.

The watchdog stated then that they hoped the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) would not grant the game a classification, essentially denying it from retail in the UK. Reasons being that it would "spoil the family fun image of the Wii."

In the company's autumn newsletter director John Beyer describes the feedback received after video game websites had picked up the news:

Within hours of these remarks being published a rain of hostile emails from gamers poured into our office telling us to 'shut the f*** up', suggesting that we had 'got our knickers in a twist', demanding, as though we were on trial for an heinous crime, to know what right we had to impose our 'narrow minded bigotry' on them and stopping them playing an 'adult' game of their choice.

Others, of a more sober character, asked reasonably why we should be so concerned about games when there was so much violence in films and on television!

We were also accused us of being 'cowards' for not responding properly to belligerent strictures and one 'emailer' observed glibly that 'violent acts are not a symptom of videogames and films, but rather the human condition'.

Another said: 'If you don't like violent content, don't view or use it.'

Should the game really be prevented from sale when it's seemingly less harmless then some big Hollywood flicks?

Box art for MadWorld








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If Manhunt 2 got a UK release date in the end, then this will of course get one. Manhunt features a real life like sadistic killer which is much more disturbing to anyone than a black and white comic book style game.

I really hate these c****, it's a lame attempt at creating some public controversy before classification, clearly.

Videogame fans here should continue to take a very aggressive stance, otherwise we will be fucked over like the Germans, and nobody here wants to get fucked over liked the Germans.

Hold on, so the BBFC have denied the game a rating because they don't think it suits Wii gamers? They would have let this come out on 360/PS3? Since when do the BBFC make judgement calls like that?

Martin_ said:
Hold on, so the BBFC have denied the game a rating because they don't think it suits Wii gamers? They would have let this come out on 360/PS3? Since when do the BBFC make judgement calls like that?

No, the old fogies from mediawatch want the bbfc to turn down the game rating because of that reason.

I say media watch are just effin stupid and should moan about things that are their concern instead of trying to obstruct people from having fun.

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They obviously think Wii is aimed exclusively at children. What fools.

The ignorance of the media to the gaming world astounds me sometimes.

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This has pissed me off to no end. I feel like emailing them myself and telling them how out of order they are.

I hate all this "stop violent games" crap by the media the moment. It's as if it's some sort of fad to do it.

God, I can't even put how I'm feeling into words, it's pissed me off that much. I feel like busting down the door of Mediawatch and kicking the crap out of all of them.

If they manage to stop this game coming out or force SEGA to change things, I will go spare, let alone if they ban it.

Nah, SEGA are cool, they won't stop the publishing. They know all too well that Wii fans are crying out for hardcore games like this.

To be fair things like this are to be expected when new media starts to pick up speed. It was probably the same with TV Smilie

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Mediawatch UK are nothing but pathetic cowards anyway. The problem isn\'t that games like MadWorld are being released, it\'s that immature kids are getting their hands on them. If MediaWatch had any balls, they would be targeting shops and parents that let these games into the hands of youngsters, not trying to deprive the older and more mature-minded gamers of them. It\'s like a cry of \'Hey, notice me, I have to look like I\'m doing something important!\' anyway.

In the end though I suppose they\'re doing us all a favour anyway. One of the reasons that GTA is so popular is because of the controversy, and judging by the number of adults I saw buy Manhunt 2 on Wii last week, censorship hasn\'t hurt that games sales either. Not that I would want to see MadWorld censored in any way of course.Smilie

Edit; Although I will say that all those letters with swearing and threats certainly aren\'t helping the image of gamers, even if they are well justified.

( Edited 13.11.2008 21:43 by Phoenixus )

media watch was set up by thunder Cu*nt mary white house I believe. if they had there way all movie rated over PG would be banned.

I dont see the BBFC having an issue with madworld. after all it not that the violent and it is very differnet to manhunt.

also the game was in earl development
when mediawatch started bitching after a 3 min E3 trailer.

after the rag of a paper the dail mail claimed parents were outraged about a game. that no one other that core gamers had heard of.

josuv22 said:
media watch was set up by thunder Cu*nt mary white house I believe. if they had there way all movie rated over PG would be banned.

I dont see the BBFC having an issue with madworld. after all it not that the violent and it is very differnet to manhunt.

also the game was in earl development
when mediawatch started bitching after a 3 min E3 trailer.

after the rag of a paper the dail mail claimed parents were outraged about a game. that no one other that core gamers had heard of.

Well, tabloids in general just like to lie, lie and lie, just to stir things up.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Hold on, exactly what is media watch in the UK? In Australia, its a program that monitors other news, newspapers and current affairs programs for dodgy journalism.

God, I can't even put how I'm feeling into words, it's pissed me off that much. I feel like busting down the door of Mediawatch and kicking the crap out of all of them.

This is why Voilent games aren't good for kids playing the Wii... can you see what they do to our children! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

iCAME said:
Hold on, exactly what is media watch in the UK? In Australia, its a program that monitors other news, newspapers and current affairs programs for dodgy journalism.

it is an independent group set to force their outdated beliefs on to the entire UK.
they basily wanted anything they dont like banned. which includes porn, violent images. prety much anything the bbfc would rated 12 and above.
founded by the Thunder Cu*t mary whitehouse
who was responsible for the Video nastie (grindhouse explotion movies) events in the 80's which led to hundreds of movies being banned.

in simple terms there a bunch of close minded idots who like any thing which featured nudity, drugs vilence etc outlawed.

there must have been furious when channel 4 launched since good old CH4 would be more than happy to tell them to go F*ck them selfs. which they sort of did with their pisstake show ban this flith.

Ah I see. They are not the same as the Australian "Media Watch" as it seems. Thanks for clearing that up.

Anyone think we could convince them that Mario Galaxy gives children the impression that death is meaningless, and will lead to them jumping on each other?

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