Rumour: FFCC Crystal Bearers Canned?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.11.2008 18

Rumour: FFCC Crystal Bearers Canned? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A rumour in the latest EGM magazine suggests Square Enix is cancelling FF:CC Crystal Bearers.

As well as having possibly one of the longest names, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers was known for taking the Crystal Chronicles franchise toward a more adult-looking direction.

The game has grown a strong following since its reveal many moons ago, yet Square Enix have kept completely schtum and not it looks like it unfortunately may hit the bucket.

Square-Enix have yet to comment on the issue, but here's hoping for the game to still be alive somewhere in Japan.

Thanks to NeoGAF's Wario64.


An Email to GoNintendo from a Square-Enix Public Relations Officer completely disputes the EGM rumour by confirming that Crystal Bearers has NOT been canceled, and that there will be an official statement posted today. One has to wonder how Crystal Bearers looks now since the last time it was shown.

Update 2

Square-Enix's official response to EGM's rumour is below. Crystal Bearers lives!

While much of EGM's 'Rumor Mill' contents end up being accurate, in this case the report is incorrect.

We have never announced that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers has been cancelled and have every intention of releasing it. There may be some concerns as a firm ship date has not been set but rest assured there will be an announcement once we finalize the date internally.

Although there are many Square Enix related rumors out there that we do not comment on, due to the feedback from the readers, we felt it was necessary to provide a statement to alleviate the worries of those who are looking forward to the game. The fan base that the Final Fantasy series has is appreciated by everyone at Square Enix (not only the developers) so we hope this statement will prevent any further spreading of the rumor.

We apologize for any unnecessary distress this rumor may have caused and hope the fans of the series can again look forward to the upcoming release of Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. - Square-Enix statement

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


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Smilie Aww I'll be disappointed if this turns out to be true, but to be honest we haven't heard no news/clips since the Wii was released... Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Looks like it will probably end up canned, or at least put on hold Smilie Looked pretty awesome!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think you've gotten a bit mixed up jb. You've got Echoes of Time written down rather than Crystal Bearers throughout the news story. Smilie

I sure hope it aint cancelled. Was looking really promising and instead they give us a game with DS graphics. Smilie (Echoes of Time)

Its still posted on there webpage for wii

iFrit yoyo said:
I think you've gotten a bit mixed up jb. You've got Echoes of Time written down rather than Crystal Bearers throughout the news story. Smilie

Thanks for pointing that out iFrit, I've corrected it, and added a little bit extra news that should make everyone happy. Smilie

S-E Europe repeatedly tells me Crystal Bearers is still in development, but was just shown/announced too early.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

If it was cancelled it would be a huge shame, as it's one of my most anticipated games by far, and S-E's first real chance at showing what they can do with the Wii. They're not supporting it enough as it is. Smilie

So here's to hoping we hear something soon.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ah, sorry about that guys! Good to know it's still around, somewhere. Hopefully their official statement will come with something new to see!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was really disappointed, but I was glad to see the update there. I really am looking forward to this game, and I think it would be a shame to have it cancelled.

I was wodering what had happened to the game, last time I saw it was last years trailer, I really hope this comes out. I mean talk about revealing a game too early, it was reveled 2 and a half years ago.

( Edited 13.11.2008 21:43 by Stulaw )

I wonder why the DS games are being pumped out so fast? Spend a little more time on Crystal Bearers SE. It's looking good.

I guess I'm happy about it? It's just that I remember hearing FFCC:CB is one player. All of my enjoyment came from the GC version's multiplayer. My friends and I would even have races and other competitions of the sort to see who has to hold the bucketSmilie. Although in the end we just made the one who got the map on their SP hold itSmilie.

But who knows, FFCC:CB has probably changed a lot compared to the few seconds of gameplay released so long ago. So I may still have something to look forward to in that aspect. I'm hoping they'll add Wi-FiSmilie

awww come on give us a new pic or somthing SE XD

Wait I thought this was the one that links up with the DS?

iCAME said:
Wait I thought this was the one that links up with the DS?

no for every one that 4got it it this

I less than three you S-E. :3 Thanks for being so determined to release this. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This looks cool, does anyone know when its coming out?

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

I don't have a Wii but it looks awesome. I also got FFCC ROF it's freaking sweet!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

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