Animal Crossing Priced in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.11.2008 9

Animal Crossing Priced in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Animal Crossing will soon be getting vocal with Wii owners, and Nintendo has priced the console and Speak in Europe.

According to Eurogamer, the complete bundle, game with Wii Speak peripheral, will set you back a hefty sum of £59.99. Without the microphone it'll retail for the regular RRP of £39.99, for those wanting in on speaking capabilities at a later date, it'll hit for around £25.99.

Wii Speak is a small wired microphone accessory touted as the "family" way of communicating - a lot of people talking at the same time over the internet, or potentially recording material for in-game audio action.

Last week images of the bundle have already appeared at online retailers with and Amazon already taking pre-orders at a discounted price.

Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City is out on 5th December.


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Without the microphone sounds good....

Still overpriced for a DS game you play on your Wii though.

( Edited 11.11.2008 21:37 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmm, yeah, I don't feel that Animal Crossing is worthy of £40 to be honest. £30 at the most in my eyes.

I've yet to see how Wii Speak works properly yet. I'm gonna look for some videos.

Psssh. Overpriced, even with online discounts. £50 is way too much for a quick and dirty Animal Crossing "port" and a microphone disguised as a fancy set top audio device.

regular £34 + mic is a billion times more likely to sell.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


Less posty, more gamey.

The fact it has such limited functionality outside of AC and works with no other game makes it an even bigger rip off.

Hopfully third party alternatives are on there way.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^


Mario_0 said:
The fact it has such limited functionality outside of AC and works with no other game makes it an even bigger rip off.

Hopfully third party alternatives are on there way.

I hope so too, the microphone definitely is not worth £25. 25?! It isn't even a headset.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sorry thats not the European price, thats the UK price. In the EURO zone of Europa it will cost ca. 47,85 without WiiSpeak and with WiiSpeak 67,95 ca. (

( Edited 12.11.2008 11:01 by VidocQ )

Mario_0 said:
The fact it has such limited functionality outside of AC and works with no other game makes it an even bigger rip off.

Hopfully third party alternatives are on there way.

It's set to work with upcoming FPS The Conduit and there'll be a dedicated Wii Speak Channel for it, so it isn't exactly limited, but definitely overpriced.

Makes me wonder though, the unique position you have to put the Microphone into; maybe there's some advanced Noise-Cancelling technology in there or something. Regardless though it is a rip-off.

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