Nintendo Formats Strongest for Activision

By Adam Riley 09.11.2008 10

Nintendo Formats Strongest for Activision on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision Blizzard has updated the world with its latest financial breakdown, showing how Wii and DS games are its strongest performers. 42% of the company's recent profits came from the console gaming side, whilst 12% was from handheld platforms. As for the breakdown of individual systems, below is how the 42% and 12% figures are split:

Home Consoles
1.) Wii - 13%
2.) Xbox 360 - 11%
3.) PlayStation 2 - 9%
4.) PlayStation 3 - 9%

1.) Nintendo DS - 10%
2.) PlayStation Portable - 2%

Can Nintendo's formats maintain this dominance, or will the 360 and PS3 claw back more sales over the next year? With Activision's new stance of only working on games with potential for sequels, cynics out there might see Wii maintaining its lead purely because it has proven to be an easy money-making machine, with certain developer churning out sub-par efforts on a regular basis...

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pc= infinate wow users

Well, with activision making good versions of guitar hero for the Wii and DS, I hardly see how they're domanance is due to churning out fast+cheap games.

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Please revive Starcraft Ghost on the wii

Activision are absolute horse shit, whichever consoles gets the least of their games is the winner.

fenixazul said:
Please revive Starcraft Ghost on the wii

that would be awesome, i remeber them previewing it at E3 04 i think it was along with Zelda TP, and RE4.
Wasnt it to use the havoc physics engine?
anyway it looked cool and now the game was scrapped a long time ago so i highly doubt it would come out 4-5 years later eh?

Guest 09.11.2008#6

Relatively speaking, isn't PS3 the strongest format for Activision? Seeing as they've got 9% of the total sales but probably only have three times less consoles sold as Wii.
I'm not really up to date with console sales, so excuse me if I talk bullscheisse.

Stulaw said:
Well, with Vicarious Visions making good versions of guitar hero for the Wii and DS, I hardly see how they're domanance is due to churning out fast+cheap games.


Activision's CEO recently said that the company was "only interested in series' that they could exploit every year." That's no bullshit, he actually used those words. But let's face it, big companies are stupid, and even if you gave one of them a map and compass to find Wii with a neon sign pointing at it with the words "HERE IS THE MONEY", they'd still wallow in lazy ignorance.

Oh right, I see my mistake now.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

D_prOdigy said:

Activision\'s CEO recently said that the company was \"only interested in series\' that they could exploit every year.\" That\'s no bullshit, he actually used those words.

Are you serious? What a dipshit.

And out of the other 52% most of the profit came from wow?

( Edited 10.11.2008 00:31 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
D_prOdigy said:

Activision's CEO recently said that the company was "only interested in series' that they could exploit every year." That's no bullshit, he actually used those words.

Are you serious? What a dipshit.

And out of the other 52% most of the profit came from wow?


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