Atari Set to Publish Ghostbusters in 2009

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2008 3

Atari Set to Publish Ghostbusters in 2009 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The classic action flick Ghostbusters has finally been confirmed for a release thanks to Atari.

Based on the flick and collaboration with the original cast members, we've got a whole load of ghost chasing and fun antics with the fearless ghoul-catching men. Manhattan is overrun by ghosts and other devilish creatures once more, and players jump into the seat of a new recruit joining the famous team from the 80s.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a fantastic addition to Atari's global line-up in 2009. The title has built considerable anticipation and excitement among game fans for its high quality action and all-out mayhem. There's no more thrilling Ghostbusting experience to be had, short of building your own proton pack.

Phil Harrison, President of Infogrames Entertainment, the parent company of Atari.

We're thrilled to partner with Atari on Ghostbusters: The Video Game. As one of our studios' most valued film franchises, we wanted to develop a video game that would be exciting for both new and old fans and with Atari we have a publisher that fully understands Ghostbusters, and is committed to producing engaging entertainment that fans will thoroughly enjoy.

Mark Caplan, Vice President of Licensing-Hardlines for Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game will invade homes in 2009 on Wii, DS, PS3 PS2, Xbox 360 and PC, as part of the franchise's big 25th anniversary.

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Whaa, this news is nearly a month old jb, Dan Ackroyd who is working on the game as consultant said so-

Weird, well this was distributed as a press release recently so looks to be official.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wow this is old news? It only came up on the ONM forums yesterday, but then ONM have never been reliable for up to date news.

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