Henshin-a-Go-Go for Capcom's Brawler

By Shane Jury 03.11.2008 19

Henshin-a-Go-Go for Capcom

Life is Viewtiful for buyers of Wii fighter Tatsunoko vs Capcom, as one of Capcom's best-loved Characters is returning to kick some ass.

Viewtiful Joe, not seen in any game since the closure of Clover Studios, will be bringing his trademark Time Manipulation skills and Long Pink Cape to the Crossover fighting game. Revealed in a recent conference;

Image for Henshin-a-Go-Go for Capcom

Image for Henshin-a-Go-Go for Capcom

Tasunoko Vs Capcom will be released in Japan as a Wii Exclusive on December 11, no overseas release has unfortunately been announced as of yet.

Box art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (53 Votes)

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YES! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Okay, it's settled. If this doesn't get out of Japan, I'm getting that Homebrew Channel.Smilie

There is a godSmilie.


That's great news. Since the closure of Clover Studios, I've begun to forget about ol' Joe... Smilie

Hopefully a new "Joe" will come as time moves on.

Hmm, will Machine-Six-Robo be making an appearance as well?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

OMG! Awesome.
Thats absolubtly viewtiful!
joe to the bye bye bayby!
I feel like playing viewtiful joe again.

( Edited 03.11.2008 20:43 by Echoes221 )

I'm importing this game now. Smilie

WAAAAGH! I miss you Joe. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Damn, that's ace news! I love Joe. This needs to come out of Japan.

Wow, now all they need to do is release it in the west and eveybody's happy.

Perhaps Capcom will be able to see Joe's fans...

Perhaps Capcom will publish a game for Platinum Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


Never played a VJ game. O: What juicy secrets will I tell next?!

I would be all over this game if it had Gene from God Hand.

Or at least Captain Commando. But nice treat, nonetheless.

jb, you failed to mention who those other two characters are Smilie

Saki from Quiz Nanairo DREAMS and Ippatsuman

Even more reason to buy this now. Smilie

mOojc said:
Even more reason to buy this now. Smilie

This gameplay alone justifies why you should get it.

haha I love the commentator's engrish.

Linkyshinks said:
jb, you failed to mention who those other two characters are Smilie

Saki from Quiz Nanairo DREAMS and Ippatsuman

That one was me.Smilie Sorry I forgot to mention them, the awesomeness of V.J overshadowed them a wee bit. Smilie

Who the heck are they anyway? Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Linkyshinks said:
jb, you failed to mention who those other two characters are Smilie

Saki from Quiz Nanairo DREAMS and Ippatsuman

That one was me.Smilie Sorry I forgot to mention them, the awesomeness of V.J overshadowed them a wee bit. Smilie

Who the heck are they anyway? Smilie

She's from one of the many Capcom quiz games that never get released here. I think she is the host, it's the most bizarre choice in this game.

Ippatsuman is old school Tatsunoko and was always destined to be in it.

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