Capcom Keeping Schtum on New Resident Evils for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2008 4

Capcom Keeping Schtum on New Resident Evils for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Resident Evil, Wii, you know it were meant to… be, but Capcom is still keeping quiet on possible future installments.

Earlier this week we had we had Juntake Uchi, Producer of Resident Evil 5 saying just how much he and the team like Wii, and how they'd be keen on bringing new installments of the series to Nintendo's successful white beast.

Back in August Capcom quizzed fans on whether they wanted a Wii RE5, and even combined with the development team's willingness to continue the franchise on Nintendo, it still seems that Capcom themselves are keeping quiet on the matter. Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development has added his 2 cents on the matter, reluctant to give a definite answer:

You all know we've not announced any new REs for Wii (or any other platforms for that matter). Alas, I'm not going to be able to share our roadmap here. Sorry guys, his [Resident Evil 5 producer] comments are going to stand as they are and I'm not able to elaborate on them.

Will we be seeing a new Biohazzard/Resident Evil, or just a continued slew of ported classics with Wii controls tagged on?

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The interest for Resi 5 (or a totally new RE game with 4/5's engine) on Wii has reached such dizzy heights now, it can't not happen. Barely a week goes by without some Capcom rep being quizzed on it. They must slightly regret not starting a Wii version of 5 with the others.

Look at the Wii games already released; RE4 Wii smashed a mil, as did Umbrella Chronicles, and even the port of Zero did more than enough to earn a nice profit. Capcom cannot ignore this, and I even think they're bored of releasing ports and remakes now.

Except this isn't a case of porting, they'd have to redo the engine to make it work on the Wii. If you want to play it, just get a 360/PS3. Neither, especially the 360 are expensive anymore. And the experience will clearly be better.

knighty said:
Except this isn't a case of porting, they'd have to redo the engine to make it work on the Wii.

Exactly; at this stage of development, it's not just as easy as porting, which is why a straight version of RE5 on Wii is not as likely as some might think.

However, if they built the game seperately on a specific Wii engine from day 1, it would have been a lot easier to make a game that is closer to the 360/PS3 game in terms of technological aspects. And my point still stands about Capcom probably regret not doing something like this.

knighty said:
If you want to play it, just get a 360/PS3. Neither, especially the 360 are expensive anymore. And the experience will clearly be better.

Not at all. Perhaps it takes a player to taste both RE4: Wii Edition and RE4 on either Cube or PS2, but the experience of that was infinitely better and so much more immersive with IR - it's something that needs to be played. Which is why many would gladly give up a handful of polygons and a few enemies on screen to play an IR-enhanced Resident Evil 5.

Well, he never said the game was going to be an RE game did he?

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