Nintendo's Reggie Slates Wii Disaster; C3 Says Buy It!

By Adam Riley 31.10.2008 22

The performance of Monolith Soft's Disaster: Day of Crisis on Wii in Europe may well determine whether it receives a US release, but then again Reggie really does not like it, so chances of the fantastic adventure arriving on US shores seems slim at best.

Nintendo of America's President, Reginald Fils-Aime, recently spoke with IGN's Matt Casamassina about the highly anticipated Wii game that fuses traditional third-person action with first-person shooting, a little driving, plus lots of inventive uses of the Wii motion controls, all wrapped up nicely with a stunning blockbuster movie-like experience where players help protagonist Raymond Bryce in his fight against terrorist organisation SURGE, as well as stuggling against the wrath of Mother Nature herself, all in an effort to save his dead friend's little sister. Tense action and lots of cheesy script lines are the order of the day, with plenty of extras thrown in for good measure. Cubed3's recent review of the game explains why Wii owners definitely should not miss out on the truly exhilarating experience.

However, despite C3's praise of the game, in IGN's new edition of its Nintendo Voice Chat podcast feature, the following was said:

"We hung out with Reggie, and basically, he doesn’t think Disaster is a $50 game. Especially in terms of audio, which he said is laughable. He said he’s going to watch it and see how it performs in Europe. If it does well, you’ll probably get it in America, and if it’s a bomb, you probably won’t."

It certainly seems quite out of character for Mr. Fils-Aime to be so negative about a Nintendo-published game, especially considering Monolith Soft is now Nintendo-owned. It also seems very unusual since Disaster is such an enjoyable game.

The game hit Japan on 25th September, following a last minute delay from its original July launch, and has so far struggled to amass sales of even around 50,000 units. Its European launch on 24th October has not been much more of a success, with little-to-no major advertising, according to readers, and hardly any strong Press coverage. The result was that Disaster: Day of Crisis could not scrape its way into the UK's Wii Top 50 chart in its first week.

But this situation needs to be changed. Just as Dragon Quest: The Chapters of the Chosen, probably the best RPG on DS so far, has been unfairly overlooked in the UK, so has Disaster: Day of Crisis. Be sure to read C3's in-depth review of the game, do not forget to Digg It to get more coverage for the game and go buy this unique Wii experience...

Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (35 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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He probably said it off the record.

Our member of the week

i'm gonna either get it today, or on next wednesday. depends on the price i see it today, since it costs only 41€ in a shop i know but it's a bit far from home. Either way i'm definetly gonna buy it anyway ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That\'s what I was thinking...but clearly it wasn\'t stressed as off the record, or else IGN wouldn\'t have reported it (surely? Smilie ).

Anyway, the game definitely deserves much more attention! Anyone else here on C3 played it (other than Mason and I)?

EDIT: Amazon UK\'s selling it for £30, I believe, and I\'m sure I head someone say ASDA stores are selling it for only £25.

( Edited 31.10.2008 10:38 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Severe paraphrasing by Matt methinks?

Considering how many times he's told us Kid Ikaruga is going be announced/released/part the waters, the now infamous Wii Music video........

Modplan Man said:
Kid Ikaruga

Wishful thinking there for a Treasure-developed Wii Ikaruga? Smilie And yeah, I bet there's a mis-quote in there and a response from Nintendo will be imminent. Bet Reggie won't be happy about this!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Pffffffffffft, Nintendo + Treasure will announce Kid Ikaruga on Christmas day, and all the hardcore will be drooling. You mark my words, especially when it doesn't happen and I decide to keep baiting people about it, then you'll see!

...And then follow it up with a small video clip six months later of (supposedly) some early dev version!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I ignore what Reggie says, mostly because he doesn't like the Earthbound/Mother series and finds them offensive (what a dumbass[excuse my semi-bad language please])

I don't understand the Mother/EarthBound hate either...which reminds me, must get back to playing Mother 3 Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hmm, as a game-journalist, I would like to say that Disaster is a pretty bad game =( I had the same feeling before I ever played this piece of software: interesting, dramatic and hardcore.

But, after 8/9 hours, I stopped playing (I was already near the end of the game) and decided to sell it. Don't think the game is 'so' cool by watching the trailer, because it fails hard. I have to grade it this week and I think it will be between 55 and 60 =) you can try reading the Eurogamer review, which gives you a good impression (in my opinion). Ask me anything if you are still sceptical Smilie

ONM gave disaster 82%.

But then I guess most people don't trust their reviews anymore.

I'll probably get it for christmas.

Guest 31.10.2008#12

From what I\'ve seen of the trailers it looks and sounds like a hilarious game with the moral of the story being \"You can\'t save everyone\". Like to play it someday.


Nintendo of America\'s President, Reginald Fils-Aime, recently spoke with IGN\'s Matt Casamassina about the highly anticipated Wii game that fuses traditional third-person action with first-person shooting, a little driving, plus lots of inventive uses of the Wii motion controls, all wrapped up nicely with a stunning blockbuster movie-like experience where players help protagonist Raymond Bryce in his fight against terrorist organisation SURGE, as well as stuggling against the wrath of Mother Nature herself, all in an effort to save his dead friend\'s little sister.

Longest sentance in a cubed3 newspost ever?

( Edited 31.10.2008 12:42 by Bart.... )

LinkND said:
Hmm, as a game-journalist, I would like to say that Disaster is a pretty bad game =(

It's definitely turning into a Marmite game in terms of the split opinion. Out of the Wii catalogue so far, it's definitely one of the only games to have really gripped me. I think the best bet for people is to either give it a rent or keep the receipt in case they fall into the 'hate' category.

Personally I'm happily playing through again to try and unlock various bits and bobs.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It's definitely turning into a Marmite game in terms of the split opinion. Out of the Wii catalogue so far, it's definitely one of the only games to have really gripped me. I think the best bet for people is to either give it a rent or keep the receipt in case they fall into the 'hate' category.

Personally I'm happily playing through again to try and unlock various bits and bobs.

If you look at the controls, the graphics and mechanics, it's not really worked out that well, don't you agree? Sure, if you like it this way and something like those disasters can compensate all of this, it may be a fun game. But it felt to me as if the developer wasn't ready to release Disaster for Wii.

Maybe, if they had taken an extra year for development, it would have been a great game after all (the idea is great, but the final product lacks a lot).

Yeah music is a $50 game though

Reggie's dumb. Using Europe as a testing ground? He may as well nuke us! The damn terrorist.

I dunno if I'll get Disaster to be honest. Reggie obviously loves Wii Fit and Nintendogs way too much himself. I mean he has been talking about Nintendogs for like 3-4 years since it came out.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't know, Disaster seems like the type of game that would sell x4-6 in the US of what it can sell in Japan or Europe. Kinda like what happened with No More Heroes.

Wow. That does seem out of character for the Regginator. Very out of character.Smilie

The game is looking damn good, and I'm hoping to pick it up here in the U.S. I'll be pissed if a U.S. release gets canned.Smilie What's going on Reggie?

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I was thinking about this game the other day, wondering when it was going to come out, then i saw it at Gamestation. I didn\'t even know it had been released! It has head hardly any coverage, even on gaming sites. And i\'ve never even heard of Dragon Quest: The Chapters of the Chosen, but cos of C3 i\'ll be able to check it out.

\"Especially in terms of audio, which he said is laughable.\" WOW! Has he heard Wii Music?

( Edited 31.10.2008 23:21 by -orion456- )

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This is just the guys view of the game, give him a break -_-
He should be praised for NOT praising it automaticaly. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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You could say that, or you could also say how it's rather irresponsible to criticise games from your own company...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
You could say that, or you could also say how it's rather irresponsible to criticise games from your own company...

Exactly. What the hell? It's like he doesn't want that kind of game at Nintendo at all, which doesn't help their image.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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