Strong Bad Ep.3, Earthworm Jim & Rotohex Hit US Wii

By Adam Riley 27.10.2008 4

Nintendo of America has updated US Wii systems today, with one new Virtual Console title and two brand new WiiWare games.

On the WiiWare front there is the hilarious third Strong Bad episode, as well as another of the GBA's Japanese-only bit Generations titles from Chibi-robo! developer Skip Ltd, tweaked for the new download service:

Strong Bad Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands (Telltale Games, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points)
Rock and roll! Hurting for cash, Strong Bad sets out to dominate the "Battle Royale of the Bands." Can he rule the stage and win the big prize? Or will he be drowned out by the competition? Find out in this high-voltage episode.

Art Style: ROTOHEX (Nintendo, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
Use coloured triangular panels to create a vibrant mosaic of stained glass in Art Style: ROTOHEX. As triangles fall from the top of the screen, rotate them to group six panels of the same colour and create a matching hexagon, or HEX. Once the HEX has been formed, it will disappear, allowing the existing panels to shift and more panels to fill the playing field. A clear-cut goal and two different styles of intuitive controls allow you to focus solely on the game play-which is vital, as the playing field will be full of panels before you know it. With multiple modes (unlock more as you progress further in SOLO mode), special item panels at your disposal, and the ability to play cooperatively or competitively with a friend, there will always be another HEX to create.

Whilst on the Virtual Console there is the long-awaited return of Shiny's worm-filled platform classic:

Earthworm Jim (Megadrive, 1 player, 800 Wii Points)
Jim was an ordinary earthworm who did very earthworm-like things, such as flee from crows and eat dirt. One day, during an outer space fight, a suit drops to Earth and falls around Jim. It mutates him into a large and intelligent (at least by earthworm standards) superhero. Play as Jim in this Sega Genesis classic. When Jim learns of the evil plans of Psy-Crow and Queen Slug-for-a-Butt, he decides to rescue Princess What's-Her-Name. Run, gun, swing on hooks by your head and launch cows at the interesting characters you meet along the way, such as Major Mucus, Chuck and Fifi, Evil the Cat, and Bob the Killer Goldfish.

Anyone picking up these treats? And just when will Europe start to get the Art Style games?

Box art for Earthworm Jim





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Looking forward to ROTOHEX since Orbient has been a very fun game and I still have to download Cubello... and about 10 more Wiiware games (yeah, I count every SB episode as a game), as well as 20 VC games. I did the math and I would need 20,000 Wii points to purchase it all as well as 2 weeks of vacation time... well, what do you know, I have the last 2 weeks of December for vacation and I can use my end-of-the-year bonus to pay for the Wii points.

Merry christmas indeed.

Earthworm Jim?! Smilie YEEAAAHHH! Smilie Wait... the Megadrive version? Smilie NNNNOOOOO!!! Smilie

Oh, well. It's still Earthworm Jim. I'm downloading it anyway.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Yay finally SB Episode 3! Will be downloading it on the EU release this Friday for sure Smilie

Assuming it's released this Friday... ^^'

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Has to be, or else they miss their \'once a month\' plan Smilie

EDIT: Oh, and SB Ep.3 is as good as the first one...but maybe not quite as funny as the second. However, I\'m leaving the review to Mike (Mason) this time, or else I\'ll just be re-treading old ground.

( Edited 27.10.2008 19:53 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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