Speaking recently about the upcoming Resident Evil 5, Capcom confirmed how it is keen to bring the series back to Wii. Juntake Uchi, Producer of Resident Evil 5, went on record, in an interview squarely based on the impending PS3/Xbox 360 release of RE5, to say the following:
"We really like the Wii. We think it's a wonderful piece of hardware. We are definitely thinking about ways we can bring the Resident Evil series to the Wii, but it could be a couple of years down the road just yet."
Below is the full video interview:
So could he be talking about a re-worked version of Resident Evil 5 in a couple of years, with a continuous line of remakes/ports in-between (Resident Evil 0 on Wii sold 50,000+ units in Japan and Resident Evil Remake hits Japan this December, with many believing a RE2 remake could be on the cards for 2010)?