Shigeru Miyamoto, the brains behind recent release Wii Music, took part in a roundtable discussion to discuss various aspects of the title and managed to reveal some very interesting tidbits of information.
First of all, with the game hitting the No.1 spot in Japan in its first week with sales of just under 100,000 units, and the title now out in the US as well, Miyamoto-san expressed how sales so far were “not too bad”, with expectations for it to be a slow-burner due to the nature of its gameplay, with it picking up over time thanks to positive word-of-mouth. In fact, so confident are Miyamoto and the team at Nintendo that it looks like a sequel, or maybe even an add-on pack, could be released in the future, going off his words of “this time around” in relation to the current line-up of tracks included (focusing on non-Nintendo music, which has surprised many journalists). Would you prefer to see a whole new game at some point, or simply new downloadable content?
Finally, there was mention of how Nintendo has been surprised by how Wii Music has a greater appeal to the younger demographic. During development there was no particular slant, with the aim to appeal to all demographics, but post-release it has become apparent that youngsters seem to love the game and he believes now that it could be used in junior schools to aid with the first step in educating children in music.
Have any of our readers from across the pond already picked up Wii Music, and is anyone eagerly awaiting its release over here?