Metroid Prime Confirmed for Nintendo's 'Play on Wii' Range?

By Adam Riley 23.10.2008 21

Whilst initially rumoured that other games would be added to the Play on Wii range, in addition to Pikmin and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, it seems to have been confirmed that some more GameCube classics will be revamped for Wii, if the Official UK Nintendo Magazine is to be believed.

The latest issue, that has just landed on C3's doorstep, comments that not only will Pikmin (December in Japan) and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat jump from GC to Wii, complete with added Wii controls, but Retro Studios' Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes will be joining the intriguing range, along with Skip Ltd's cute Chibi-robo and the Camelot-developed Mario Tennis.

What other GameCube games would you like to see take this route? Could it give some previously Japan-only games a new lease of life, such as GiFTPiA, which was originally destined for the West anyway?

Box art for Metroid Prime





First Person Shooter



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T'would be a good way of getting Baten Kaitos Origins to Europe, especially if what Monolith Soft is working on right now is number 3. Smilie

Wait. We already knew this.Smilie Still awesome news, though!Smilie

I'm hoping all these GCN classics will have at least a slight graphical upgrade (and maybe improved framerate Smilie ). I'm also hoping ALL these GCN re-releases will have 16:9 widescreen and 480p support (added if not originally available). Even though, GameCube was fully capable of both, very few games actually had them implemented. Which was so unfortunate. *sigh*

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Previously claimed they were coming, but now it's in the Official Nintendo Magazine it holds more worth as news. It's gone from 'possibly true' to 'almost, without a doubt true' Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I hope they do this in America also.... I wanna have Metroid Prime 1/2 with Wii Remote aiming.

jesusraz said:
Previously claimed they were coming, but now it's in the Official Nintendo Magazine it holds more worth as news. It's gone from 'possibly true' to 'almost, without a doubt true' Smilie
True, but I remember it being mentioned by Ninty at their Tokyo conference a week or two ago (after their initial "Play on Wii" announcement). Still awesome, though. Smilie MP 1 & 2 on Wii FTW!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Confirmed ages ago.


Nintendo may as well just re-release every GameCube game they ever made.

Wouldnt be suprised if Luigi\'s mansion (Wii-mote used for vaccum) and SMS (Wii-mote used for fludd) are released on the Wii.

Theres no way in hell I\'m re-buying Metroid Prime, it came out in 2003. How can that possibly be old enough for a re-release on a console that is technically barely superior.

If Nintendo knew the Wii would have been this sucessful, theres no way they would have made it backwards compatible with the gamecube.

Thats like Sony re-realising a shedload of PS2 games on the PS3 and adding six-axis support. It just wouldnt happen.

( Edited 22.10.2008 19:42 by Fenton )

Anyone else think that Nintendo took a long, hard look at the sales of RE 4: Wii Edition before deciding on doing this Play on Wii stuff?

D_prOdigy said:
Confirmed ages ago.


Oh well, I'm allowed to get one wrong every once in a blue moon Smilie Smilie

Anyway, time to discuss what other GC games we want in the range instead... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wind Waker with Wiimote control for the baton, and those two cut dungeons put back in, I'd probably buy it again. Smilie

I'd absolutely LOVE to see Baten Kaitos re-released: missed out on that one.

Super Mario Sunshine with widescreen and 480p would be awesome. Same for Wind Waker and F-Zero.

Metroid Prime 1&2, 480p and widescreen with Wii controls would be my all time favourite first person games of all time. Make it happen nintedo!! And at a budget price!!! Smilie

I reckon Mario Kart Double Dash with Wii Wheel controls would sell well.

I'm really hoping the Baten Kaitos series gets a re-boot and that Origins finally gets a European release, alongside the stalled DS edition.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Rumoured :-/
I thought it was fact anyway.

\"Theres no way in hell I\'m re-buying Metroid Prime, it came out in 2003. How can that possibly be old enough for a re-release on a console that is technically barely superior.\"\"

Because Metroid Corruption has easily one of the best use\'s of the Wiimote, and best all around controlls on the Wii.
One of the few clear-cut examples of the Wiimote beating standard controll schemes in both expirence, speed and accuracy.

\"Wind Waker with Wiimote control for the baton, and those two cut dungeons put back in, I\'d probably buy it again.\"

Cut = never had time to make.

Dont believe for one second they actualy had more content for the game and said \"oh, no, gamers will profer it shorter\".
It was just an excuse afterwoods.
In reality Wind Waker was rushed for releash to boast falling cube sales.

So, to have the dungoens it should have had they would have to actualy make them now....probably too costly for a low budget port.
Still, it would be nice.

( Edited 23.10.2008 11:26 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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jesusraz said:
I\'m really hoping the Baten Kaitos series gets a re-boot and that Origins finally gets a European release, alongside the stalled DS edition.
Even though Matt rated it like 3/10 on C3 D:

Baten Kaitos would be cool...but seeing as I have both already on GC, I won\'t be getting screw the ports, bring on the sequals! Smilie

All of which shall be budget titles getting a release for 3,800 yen (around £20), 2000 yen cheaper than a first party game.
hmm 2,800 yen is the english \"£19.99 game\" 3,800 would mean £24.99 for these re-releases? ._.
Awww it\'s cheap...but I was hoping for cheaper D:

And omg donkey kong is so gonna be ruined by this port...

Are pikmin 1 and 2 that different?
I always thought of pikmin 2 as an upgraded pikmin never got the original.

( Edited 23.10.2008 13:01 by ٩๏̯͡๏)۶ )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

The Pikmin games also have great stories, and Pikmin 2 follows directly after the end of the first game.

Plus they're both just orsum.

That being said I probably won't be buying any of these. Except maybe a good game I don't have yet on GC that is somehow better on Wii (to justify the price)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I want Baten Kaitos Origins for ages now! Release it, please...! (it scored 3/10 at C3??? why?)

And MP1 is probably the best game ever on Cube (personal opinion ho!) and not inferior to Corruption - at least not much.
And much games today on Wii look a lot more rubbish then this game from 2003.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

"And MP1 is probably the best game ever on Cube (personal opinion ho!) and not inferior to Corruption - at least not much."

In terms of controll it is, very inferiour.
Storytelling, graphics and extras too.

In terms of weapons and puzzles, however, MP1 was probably was better. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
"And MP1 is probably the best game ever on Cube (personal opinion ho!) and not inferior to Corruption - at least not much."

In terms of controll it is, very inferiour.
Storytelling, graphics and extras too.

In terms of weapons and puzzles, however, MP1 was probably was better.

Yeah, MP3 had more in terms of story telling but in terms of atmosphere and locations, MP1 easily beats 3. I didn't like how you had to prat about using your ship all the time in 3. Got annoying.

Shameless money spinner in my view, almost embarrassing to watch as a Nintendo fan...

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