New PSP Model Trounces Nintendo DS in Japan

By Adam Riley 24.10.2008 12

Update - The official Media Create data has shown Wii Music has claimed the No.1 spot in Japan, whilst the PSP-3000 storms to the top of the hardware list. Check out all the confirmed numbers below:

Media Create Top 50 - 13th-19th October, 2008
1.) Wii Music (Wii, Nintendo) - 91,638 | NEW
2.) Pokémon Platinum (NDS, The Pokémon Company) - 72,470 | 1,754,000
3.) Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 (PSP, SCEI) - 58,806 | NEW
4.) Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS, Nintendo) - 51,504 | 1,010,000
5.) Culdcept DS (NDS, SEGA) - 50,374 | NEW
6.) Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Gundam Meisters (PS2, Namco Bandai) - 43,175 | NEW
7.) Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (PS2, Koei) - 27,170 | 184,000
8.) Macross Ace Frontier (PSP, Namco Bandai) - 25,764 | 130,000
9.) Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo) - 18,305 | 2,740,000
10.) Super Robot Taisen Z (PS2, Namco Bandai) - 12,629 | 462,000
11.) Daikaijuu Battle: Ultra Coliseum (Wii, Namco Bandai)
12.) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)
13.) Dragonball DS (NDS, Namco Bandai)
14.) Inazuma Eleven (NDS, Level 5)
15.) Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (NDS, Nintendo)
16.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)
17.) Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (PSP, Capcom)
18.) Powerful Major League 3 (PS2, Konami)
19.) Kanji Brain 2 + Dictionary (NDS, IE Institute)
20.) One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (Wii, Namco Bandai)
21.) Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces (Wii, Namco Bandai)
22.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
23.) Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (NDS, Namco Bandai)
24.) World Destruction (NDS, SEGA)
25.) Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
26.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)
27.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)
28.) Intuition! (NDS, Rocket)
29.) Beautiful Letter Training DS (NDS, Nintendo)
30.) Shinobido PSP (PSP, Spike)
31.) Dragon Quest V (NDS, Square Enix)
32.) J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (PS2, Konami)
33.) Yattaman DS 2: Bikkuridokkiri Animal Daibouken (NDS, Takara Tomy)
34.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)
35.) Kawaii Koinu DS 2 (Pretty Puppy 2) (NDS, MTO)
36.) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3 (PSP, Konami)
37.) Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori (PS2, Namco Bandai)
38.) Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist (PSP, Marvelous)
39.) Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena (PSP, Marvelous)
40.) Tales of the Abyss (BEST) (PS2, Namco Bandai)
41.) Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream - Reprise (PS3, Namco Bandai)
42.) Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii, Nintendo)
43.) Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)
44.) Mame Goma 2: Uchi no Ko ga Ichiban! (NDS, TDK Core)
45.) Fire Emblem: New Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light (NDS, Nintendo)
46.) Aquanaut's Holiday: Kakusareta Kiroku (PS3, SCEI)
47.) Tottadoo! Yoiko's Deserted Island Life (NDS, Namco Bandai)
48.) Puyo Puyo! (BEST) (NDS, SEGA)
49.) Cross Edge (PS3, Compile Heart)
50.) Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida (BEST) (PSP, SCEI)

This Week | Last Week | Total 2008 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) PlayStation Portable - 159,816 | 23,901 | 2,992,962 | 10,658,039
2.) Nintendo DS - 29,839 | 31,914 | 2,468,544 | 23,641,598
3.) Wii - 26,024 | 22,877 | 2,264,389 | 6,880,528
4.) Xbox 360 - 7,856 | 7,763 | 212,785 | 721,230
5.) PlayStation 2 - 7,261 | 6,982 | 405,272 | 21,332,312
6.) PlayStation 3 - 4,725 | 5,734 | 699,941 | 2,341,617

Original Story - Early Famitsu data has shown that by the end of the sales week, Wii Music was able to rise above Pokémon Platinum to claim the No.1 spot in Japan. Check out the leaked numbers below:

Famitsu Data: 13th-19th OCtober, 2008
1.) Wii Music (Wii) - 98,865 | NEW
2.) Pokémon Platinum (NDS) 63,000 | 1,746,000
3.) Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida Or 2 (PSP) - 62,224 | NEW
4.) Culdcept DS (NDS) - 50,468 | NEW
5.) Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS) - 41,000 | 931,000
6.) Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Gundam Meisters (PS2) - 39,890 | NEW
7.) Macross Ace Frontier (PSP) - 26,000 | 123,000
8.) Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (PS2) - 24,000 | 182,000
9.) Wii Fit (Wii) - 16,000 | 2,654,000
10.) Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 11,000 | 1,778,000
11.) Super Robot Wars Z (PS2) - 11,000 | 451,000
12.) Daikaijuu Battle: Ultra Coliseum (Wii) - 9,896 | NEW
13.) Dragon Ball: Origins (NDS) - 9,200 | 140,000
14.) Inazuma Eleven (NDS) - 7,700 | 120,000
15.) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP) - 7,300 | 2,439,000
16.) Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (NDS) - 6,700 | 376,000
17.) Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces (Wii) 6,000 | NEW
18.) Wii Sports (Wii) - 5,500 | 3,157,000
19.) Jikkyou Powerful Major League 3 (PS2) - 5,200 | 32,000
20.) One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (Wii) - 4,900 | 92,000
21.) Meccha Taiko Drum Master DS: Adventure in Seven Islands (NDS) - 4,800 | 367,000
22.) Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) - 4,800 | 619,000
23.) Mario Kart DS (NDS) - 4,600 | 3,225,000
24.) World Destruction (NDS) - 4,500 | 85,000
25.) J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (PS2) - 4,400 | 170,000
26.) 250-Mannin no KanKen (NDS) - 4,200 | 294,000
27.) KanKen DS 2 + Jouyou Kanji Jiten (NDS) - 4,000 | 272,000
28.) Wii Play (Wii) - 3,700 | 2,492,000
29.) Yattaman 2 (NDS) - 3,604
XX.) Away: Shuffle Dungeon (NDS) - 1,851
XX.) Nazo Nazo & Quiz Ichi Kotae Jikkon Q Mate! (NDS) - 540

Also, early hardware figures, following the release of the PSP-3000 model, are as follows:

1.) PlayStation Portable - 156,000
2.) Nintendo DS - 34,000
3.) Wii - 25,000
4.) PlayStation 2 - 7,800
5.) Xbox 360 - 6,000
6.) PlayStation 3 - 4,800

Stick around for the exact Media Create numbers some time tomorrow...

Box art for Wii Music








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A crime to see Sky Crawlers so low. Smilie

Bet it falls way faster than good ol' Pokémon. >=]

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

ew gross

Sky Crawlers won't crawl...but Wii Music will crawl to a million >:]

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Shame about Sky Crawlers as it looks 'ace'...Team Ace Combat should do a new AC on Wii instead, though.

Culdcept looks strong, far stronger than previous editions I think...and should have a good chance of being translated since the version I played recently had English voice-overs in!

The one to watch is Inazuma Eleven - it's crawled its way to a respectable number and could well pick up more thanks to the timely release of the anime show now. 200,000 units isn't that far-fetched now. World Destruction should hit 100,000 when all's said and done as well...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Son of a bitch!

In respect to what?

The PSP 3000 has started slower than the PSP 2000 did, but the only major update is the addition of a microphone, which many games don't use anyway...and the screen's meant to be worse!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
In respect to what?

The PSP 3000 has started slower than the PSP 2000 did, but the only major update is the addition of a microphone, which many games don't use anyway...and the screen's meant to be worse!

yeah the screen really bad some time id if it with every game

Image for

That JUST the picture I was thinking of as I wrote my post, cheers J_b! I'm amazed it's like that...kind of reminds me of when you enable scanlines on an emulator.

Anyway, I believe this to be just a temporary boost for PSP as 1.) People aren't too happy with the screens issue, and 2.) the DSi launches on 1st November!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm not too happy with the screens issue either... Now I'm not sure I want a 3000.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The PSP3000 will fall pretty quick, its not different enough from its previous models to effect any long term trend.

I cant believe the screen interlace\'s though...on a portable thats just bezire.

( Edited 24.10.2008 14:38 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!


I thought the main plus point for the PSP3000 was....the improved screen....?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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