Official Dragon Quest IX Trailer for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 21.10.2008 5

Updated - The official trailer has now been released. Check it out in all its glory below:

For those that want to see it in its original format (highly recommended), the direct link is here, whilst a YouTube edition can also be found here.

Original Story - The latest trailer for Square Enix's Dragon Quest IX on DS has now been leaked. Shown off in the Closed Mega Theatre at the company's recent Japanese event, footage has now made its way onto the Internet and the beauty of the Level-5 developed turn-based RPG can now be seen, albeit with the odd silhouetted head obscuring the picture.

Be sure to check out the trailer below:

The animated sequences are thought to purely be for the purposes of the trailer, but considering Level-5's animated sequences in games such as Inazuma Eleven and Professor Layton on DS, it would not be too shocking to see them make their way into the final release, which is due in March 2009 over in Japan.

As a warm-up, readers are actively encouraged to rush out and snap up the recently released Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, which is by far one of the best RPG experiences on the DS so far.

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (7 Votes)

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Fantastic!!! I wonder if the online Wi-Fi will let you have random adventures and let you just hook-up with anyone. That'd be awesome!

MOD EDIT: I love the trailer too. It\'s brilliant. I don\'t like advertising though. Boo hoo.

( Edited 19.10.2008 13:49 by Mason )

Level 5 doing a good job on the DS cant wait

Great trailer the game's looking better than any other DS game yet.

This is by far the most gorgeous DS game I've seen so far. Simply stunning! Now, if only they'd include some of those animation clips as well...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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