Nintendo DS & Wii Dominate US Sales Yet Again

By Adam Riley 18.10.2008

For yet another month Nintendo has dominated the US sales charts, according to the NPD Group, with both its Wii console and DS. The company attributes its success to the Wii's "variety of unique interfaces", with a year-on-year sales increase of over 37%, despite reported shortages.

"The four Wii games in the top ten all feature controls just not possible on other videogame systems. The Wii Balance Board and Wii Wheel give players new ways to interact with their games, while the Wii Remote controller transforms into a pool cue, table tennis paddle or lightsaber. Consumers have truly responded to this variety of entertainment options."
- Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive VP of Sales & Marketing.

Hardware - September 2008
1.) Wii - 687,000
2.) Nintendo DS - 537,000
3.) Xbox 360 - 347,000
4.) PlayStation Portable - 238,000
5.) PlayStation 3 - 232,000
6.) PlayStation 2 - 173,000

Software - September 2008
1.) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (360) - 610,000
2.) Wii Fit (Wii) - 518,000
3.) Rock Band 2 (360) - 363,000
4.) Mario Kart (Wii) - 353,000
5.) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3) - 325,000
6.) Mercenaries 2 (360) - 297,000
7.) Wii Play w/Wii-Remote (Wii) - 243,000
8.) Madden NFL 09 (360) - 224,000
9.) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii) - 223,000
10.) Madden NFL 09 (PS2) - 158,000

Although PC sales are not included in the list, NPD stated that both Spore and Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning would have made the top ten as they sold 406,000 and 274,000, respectively. Sadly for EA, Facebreaker only sold 52,000 units in September across both the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined. With the Wii version coming next month, can it pick up further? Also, the new release from Square Enix on DS, Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen sold around 35,000 units.

Box art for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed








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