Capcom Discusses Mega Man 10, More Classics Being Remade?

By Adam Riley 18.10.2008 1

Capcom producer Hironobu Takeshita sat down to talk about the aspects of downloadable content for Mega Man 9 on WiiWare, but also touched upon some other interesting topics that could get fans hot under the collar. Below is an extract from the interview:

GameSpot: Do you think the series is ready for the kind of reinvention we've seen for the other big Capcom franchises (Resident Evil, Street Fighter), or do you think Mega Man works best as an old-school game?

Hironobu Takeshita, Producer at Capcom: Old school or reinvention, either one will work. Our decision of going with the old school was right for the ninth installment of Mega Man. We've been hearing that the approach and style has been received well, and that proves our challenge was worthwhile and it was correct. Until now, video development was on the path to make more high-end titles. MM9 was the game NES fans long waited for. We would love to see this particular style of games to be ultimately established as a distinct genre and to see more games of this style.

GameSpot: How long until we get a Mega Man 10?

Hironobu Takeshita, Producer at Capcom: This can be answered only by fans' passion. We have come this far with the fans' support. If they continue to support Mega Man, we will answer their request by any means. We'd love to hear from you.

So have you been enjoying Mega Man 9 so far and would you like Capcom to either continue in this NES-style graphical vein, or crank things to a SNES-style level of visuals instead for a potential Mega Man 10? And what other Capcom classics should be given a new lease of life, but with a retro appearance?

Box art for Mega Man 9





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Mega Man with a Super Metroid control scheme.

Actually, I'd much rather have a new 2D Metroid game.

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