Sin and Punishment Sequel Heading to Wii - Update: New Trailer

By Shane Jury 02.10.2008 9

The sequel to one of the greatest On-Rails Shooters of all time, Treasure's Sin and Punishment, is heading to the Wii.

Revealed in Nintendo's Conference today, Sin and Punishment 2 is expected to hit retail in 2009, and is to be controlled by the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, if the main character's weapons are of any indication.

Image for Sin and Punishment Sequel Heading to Wii - Update: New Trailer
Image for Sin and Punishment Sequel Heading to Wii - Update: New Trailer
Image for Sin and Punishment Sequel Heading to Wii - Update: New Trailer

The original Sin and Punishment is regarded as one of Treasures greatest titles, and until recently was never released outside of Japan. The core of the game involved fighting enemies with a sword and gun, two features of which seem tailor-made for Wii.

With the new fanbase the original title has built up through Virtual Console, it is likely this game will be released outside of Japan. Would you pick up a copy of this game?


Nintendo have announced at their San Francisco Media Summit that Sin & Punishment 2 will be heading to North America in 2009.

Update 2

New trailer:

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Looks good! Hopefully will hear more info soon.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i have be wanting this from the day i play the N64 with the wii mote aiming it going to be good and it look good too just hope it hard as the old one XD and not go down easy street

Absolutely can't wait for this, day 1. Smilie


I loved the original, hope it's a bit longer, though.

It's ggreat the franchise is back and the screenshots look gorgeous.

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Smilie wow look better in play

Jump_button said:

Smilie wow look better in play

Half way through that clip.. look at those weird enemy's.. they look like spunk!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Man, can't wait for this! Got the original on VC and it's an awesome game, hope this will be as good.

The trailer made me think of what gunstar would look like in 3D, it does look better in motion Smilie.

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