Square Enix Bringing Disgaea to Nintendo DS in Europe

By Adam Riley 26.09.2008 7

Following on from the publishing deal for Odin Sphere, Square Enix Europe has announced that Nippon Ichi Software's Disgaea DS will be released in Spring 2009.

Simple yet highly addictive, Disgaea DS is an updated portable version of the classic Strategy RPG Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, previously available on the PlayStation 2. Since its release Disgaea has won over a loyal following of fans that have grown to love the quirky humour and deep, long-lasting challenge.

Disgaea DS does not just let you take the Disgaea madness on the road, but introduces exciting innovations such as the new duel system multiplayer, complete with masses of customisable rules and game options. You'll also be able to connect to your friend's Nintendo DS to swap and share items, take your battles to a new strategic level with Geo Cubes and there's an added exclusive new story mode dedicated to Etna and her quest to become Beauty Queen Ultimate Overlord.

"I am delighted that we are able to bring Disgaea DS to players in Europe and PAL territories. Nippon Ichi has created a game perfectly suited for portable play that will entertain and challenge in equal measure."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.


The Netherworld � a place darker than a pitch-black cave, located deeper than the depths of the seas. It is a cursed land where evil reigns and foul beings dwell. Nobody knows its whereabouts, but everybody fears its existence…The story takes place two years after the death of King Krichevskoy, the ruler of the Netherworld. His son Laharl slept for two full years, unaware of his father's death, while demons fought for supremacy over the Netherworld. With the help of his vassal Etna and her underlings, the egocentric, megalomaniac Prince Laharl fights his way to become the next king.


  • Discover who is the best strategist with the all-new duel system for multiplayer battles;
  • Multi Customisation lets you customise the multiplayer mode, with changes to game rules, field and win/loss conditions and much more;
  • Geo Cubes. These cubes have very special effects and are dealt equally to each player, use them carefully as they can both delight and infuriate;
  • Shop and Share with Wireless Communication Mode, trade with friends and share your item data;
  • Exclusive New Story. A dedicated story for Etna and an all-new ending if you defeat this mode;
  • Guest Appearances � you never know who you'll run into next with hidden characters waiting to be unlocked.

Will readers be willing to pick this up on DS, despite already appearing on PS2 and PSP?

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I imported my copy already and should be getting it real soon. Smilie I haven't played the one on PS2 or PSP so I was glad they ported it to the DS as well.

I should get a copy too, but I\'ve already ordered Dragon Quest so may wait.

Is it possible to split which version is better between the PSP and DS version, anyone?

( Edited 26.09.2008 13:40 by Linkyshinks )

Generally the PSP version has cripser sprites and better audio (full packaged VA incl Jap and ENG) while the DS version only has partial ENG VA. The DS however has more unlockables and gameplay options/content which the PSP doesn't have.

was thinking of getting the psp version but prolly get it for the ds now, most of my mates only have a ds XD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

mOojc said:
Generally the PSP version has cripser sprites and better audio (full packaged VA incl Jap and ENG) while the DS version only has partial ENG VA. The DS however has more unlockables and gameplay options/content which the PSP doesn't have.

Thanks, Well, that does create it little dilemma, I think I will likely get the PSP version so I can play on my TV.

too busy with D3 to worry about this for now. But great news that its coming out in Europe and multiplay sounds interesting

Nice! May give it a go at least, but sitting on the fence with this one, not sure if it's my kinda game. Looks decent though!

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