Trauma Center: New Blood - Release Date for Europe

By Shane Jury 15.09.2008 6

Atlus have finally given a release date to Europeans for the second Trauma Center game on Wii, New Blood.

The Press Release Atlus released for the title;

Get into your scrubs and save lives as Trauma Center: New Blood launches on Wii. Offering an all-new immersive storyline, Trauma Center: New Blood will challenge your medical know-how, introduce you to two brand new characters and encourage participation in co-operative play, as you head to the operating theatre to combat the latest deadly virus - Stigma. So get ready to put your steady hands to the test and polish up on your operating skills as Trauma Center: New Blood goes on sale across Europe on 7th November 2008.

Trauma Center: New Blood welcomes two new playable characters, Markus Vaughn and Valerie Blaylock, both highly skilled doctors soon whisked to LA to investigate the epidemic of a new deadly disease - Stigma. Caduceus, the international organisation that treats and researches new diseases is called in, however they struggle to stop the disease from taking more lives. Markus and Valerie soon come to play an important part in unravelling a web of deceit and betrayal that could lead to lethal consequences.

Throughout Trauma Center: New Blood players are put in numerous enthralling situations where patients' lives hang in the balance. Players must strategically and skilfully use a set of medical instruments to operate on a wide variety of illnesses. Keeping one eye on the clock, operations must be successfully completed within a set time before advancing to the next chapter in the story. Budding surgeons can also choose the difficulty level. But beware, a harder skill level will see an increase in damage caused if mistakes are made and the stabiliser medication becomes less effective!

Using a combination of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk brings realism to a whole new level as players enjoy the lifelike use of surgical instruments, for example by simulating the real-life motion of using a defibrillator with both controllers. In addition to this, players can also look forward to some new procedures to further their medical knowledge. Manual CPR and skin grafting can now be attempted as well as a variety of new medications available to inject.

The Wii Remote is used to wield surgical tools with precision, making every operation a truly nerve-wracking process. In case of emergency, each character has a unique Healing Touch at their disposal. This allows players to briefly slow down time or stabilise the patient's vitals. It can only be performed once per operation and requires the player to swiftly and precisely draw a five-point star on the screen. Manual dexterity is further tested in tense operations where the Wii Remote must be carefully twisted to put broken bones back together. With more emphasis on realistic operations, Trauma Center: New Blood will have your heart racing as you struggle to save the lives of your ill-fated patients.

Trauma Center: New Blood will also see two players able to team up in almost every operation using co-operative play mode. Combine your talents with a friend or family member to save lives together as you operate simultaneously, each selecting instruments from your own set. Players can also compare their healing skills with the rest of the world as they upload scores to leaderboards via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

So step up to the table and take the challenge to save lives and be a medical hero in this exciting new instalment of hospital drama as Trauma Center: New Blood launches across Europe on 7th November 2008.

Will you be picking this title up come November 7th?

Box art for Trauma Center: New Blood








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FUCK! FINALLY! It took them a fucking while. >=[

Sorry for the swearing, but christ!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You do realise Atlus have no European office, don\'t you? The reason that Trauma Centre games take so long to come out over here is that all Atlus\' games need to be picked up by a seperate publisher for distrtibution.

( Edited 15.09.2008 18:44 by D_prOdigy )

Didn't take them nearly as long for the first Trauma Center game... also it can't be that hard to get a publisher, especially with Rising Star around.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Didn't take them nearly as long for the first Trauma Center game... also it can't be that hard to get a publisher, especially with Rising Star around.

Clearly you don't remember the first Wii version coming out nearly an entire year after launch over here despite being an American launch title, nor the delay of about 7 months between USA and European release for the DS version.

Mason said:
Clearly you don't remember the first Wii version coming out nearly an entire year after launch over here despite being an American launch title, nor the delay of about 7 months between USA and European release for the DS version.

No I was pretty angry with Second Opinion aswell. Smilie

And 7 months still isn't nearly as long. Smilie

To be frank, I'm surprised it's getting a release here at all, I thought we'd be New Blood-less.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

YAY i'll be able to import now WOOOH!

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