E for All...without Nintendo

By Shane Jury 15.09.2008 11

Nintendo will not be at the E for All Gaming Convention next month, although Third-Party Publishers and Developers will still be showing off Wii and DS games.

E for All, which takes place in Los Angeles next month, was originally started up as being like a mini-E3 (the original, not the cutback version it is presently), open to all gamers to try new and upcoming titles.
Nintendo have confirmed that they won't have any executive presence at the event, although Third Parties will still demo their own Wii and DS titles, and a few of the stores nearby will house demos of Nintendo's games. Charlotte McCormack, of the IDG World Expo group explains further:

Nintendo's products will be playable and sold through the Target store at E for All, so our attendees will have access to Nintendo's great games and hardware. In fact, the Target store at E for All Expo will have many of the most popular and hard-to-find Nintendo games, hardware and accessories available. We are very excited about this opportunity for attendees -- whether it's Madden '09 or the Nintendo Wii, the Target Store at E for All will be stocked.

After their disastrous E3 showing this year, do Cubed3 readers think Nintendo's absence is a wise move?

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No show at TGS, no show at E4All.

Yeah. just like we thought, Nintendo HAVE nothing to show. D:

SpaceWorld seems completely out of the question now.

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Oh no! I was counting on getting to see the logo for GTA: China Town Wars again, along with dialog about how that should shut all hardcore gamers up! [/sarcasm]

Because casual gamers don't go to game expos...Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Nintendos got the lazies

Son of a BITCH! I\'m spending around $400 and flying across the country to go to this event and Nintendo won\'t have a strong presence there??? Man... That\'s just horseshit... They were the main reason I was going.

I guess I can only hope that the event is still worth the money I\'m spending.

Jeez Nintendo, is there any other way you can piss in my cheerios? Seriously...

( Edited 15.09.2008 19:48 by Glenjamin )

So much for hoping Nintendo might have something up their sleeves for later.

This really means to hard core titles till early 2010. Nintendo is taking to long to please us while trying to keep the casuals happy...

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

god, this is total bullsh*t. I really think they are just messing with us now.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

An interesting little rumour here that Nintendo will be holding some kind of Press Event just before the Tokyo Game Show (which they aren't going to either Smilie ) next month.
The news is so minor I wasn't going to stick it up as a news post, but I thought you guys might want to know anyway. Smilie

no one care about E for ALL any way

E4ALL is a crock of shit, though. I'm not going to judge Nintendo for not going there.

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