Activision's DJ Hero Details

By Shane Jury 15.09.2008 2

Activision will be bringing a new Music & Peripheral Game named DJ Hero to unspecified Consoles next year, the first details of which has emerged.

From Kotaku, the game is reported to have been in development for two years by FreeStyleGames, a developer that Activision recently acquired, and the peripheral accompanying the game will be a laptop-sized turntable peripheral.

The controller, key to the game's success, has been through nearly a half-dozen iterations.

In the latest form, the device looks a lot like a simplified DJ Deck. There is a platter for scratching which will act like the strum toggle on a Guitar Hero guitar. Above the platter are three buttons for sampling. The controller also includes a cross fader and a sound effects dial which will act like the whammy bar in Guitar Hero.

Instead of flowing the musical notes down a guitar neck, DJ Hero will flow the music down and around a virtual record in a half arc. Either left top to middle bottom if you are left handed, or right top to middle bottom if you are right handed.

To play you will have to either hold a sample button and scratch, just hold a button or just scratch as the neon icons flow around the virtual vinyl.

Currently the wireless controller has grooves molded into the bottom so it will sit comfortably in a player's lap, though the team is also looking into legs for the deck so gamers can play while standing up.

Although no platforms for the title has yet been made clear, Activision have seen a lot of success with the Multiplatform Guitar Hero 3 on Wii, so Nintendo's little White Box should have a fair chance.

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activision. give it up.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

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