Wii Music Retail Boxart?

By Shane Jury 11.09.2008 10

After being first on the scene with boxart for Animal Crossing: City Folk, Online Retailer Gamefly now have one for Nintendo's Wii Music.

From Gamefly's Product Page;

Image for Wii Music Retail Boxart?

It is unconfirmed as to whether this is the final design, but it is likely. What do Cubed3 readers think of it?

Box art for Wii Music








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Makes it look mildly exciting, which the game is not.


Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

TheStratMan said:
Makes it look mildly exciting, which the game is not.


Have press-builds already been released? Which publication do you work for?

I think it's safe to say that Wii Music won't be too "exciting" for anyone other than children. It might be a bit of fun, but that's hardly on the same level as excitement.

I mean come on, Mario Galaxy was a GALAXY of excitement!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well it\'s a nice box...HORRIBLE HORRIBLE toy.

Wait what? Wifi connection? The hell...

( Edited 11.09.2008 23:17 by tiamat1990 )

Not too impressed with the box - the colours and the like really don't match the orange and stuff; looks kinda ugly!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

tiamat1990 said:
Well it's a nice box...HORRIBLE HORRIBLE toy.

Wait what? Wifi connection? The hell...

You can share recordings or your "plays" to friends can't you?

D_prOdigy said:

Have press-builds already been released? Which publication do you work for?

Did you like not see the E3 demonstration?

( Edited 12.09.2008 00:25 by Lrrr )

Lrrr said:
D_prOdigy said:

Have press-builds already been released? Which publication do you work for?

Did you like not see the E3 demonstration?

Have you like not seen any of the previews that have come since?


I think the fact that people are using the phrase "SEEN previews" pretty much sums up the situation. No-one actually reads them, they just find any negativity and dwell on it.

Besides, it's just retarded to take whatever's shown in an E3 demo and assume that is the whole game. But whatever, if people aren't interested int the game then its their decision. There's just a definate sense of gamer snobbery when it comes to titles like this.

D_prOdigy said:
I think the fact that people are using the phrase "SEEN previews" pretty much sums up the situation. No-one actually reads them, they just find any negativity and dwell on it.

Besides, it's just retarded to take whatever's shown in an E3 demo and assume that is the whole game. But whatever, if people aren't interested int the game then its their decision. There's just a definate sense of gamer snobbery when it comes to titles like this.

I don't think it's snobbery. I think people expected a lot more from this game and were extremely disappointed and not just from what was shown at E3. It seems that a lot of the original gameplay aspects from the original concept have been removed entirely stripping the game of a lot of its original potential. Honestly how long will pushing 2 buttons on a remote in to simulate playing a horn entertain you (especially if you don't have objectives or scores)? The drum kit definitely looks promising, but without a balance board, I wouldn't even be able to appreciate it.

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