Diego Stocco Pens The Conduit Score

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2008 8

High Voltage Software recently announced that The Conduit bas been scored by world renowned sound designer, composer Diego Stocco.

The upcoming exclusive Wii shooter will have contributions by Stocco, whose credits include Transformers, Resident Evil: Extinction, Crank, Jumper, Lady in the Water, alongside gaming soundtracks for Justice League Heroes and SoulCalibur IV.

Working with Diego was such an enjoyment. When I heard the first track he made for The Conduit, I literally got the chills, it was exactly the mood and mix of sound design and music we were looking for.

Michael Metz, Audio/Visual Director at High Voltage Software.

The Conduit unveils incredible scenarios during the game, with a richness in terms of details and action that is very inspiring for a composer. I'm very excited to be part of The Conduit; it's the kind of project that makes me push the envelope in terms of sound creativity.

Diego Stocco

The Conduit is scheduled for release in Q1 2009 exclusively for the Nintendo Wii.

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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They're at it guns blazing, all or nothing style.

I like them.

Well, regardless of the final result, we can give them an A for effort already :p
(Which is more then a lot of Wii developers)

Lets see;
Conduit,Fragil,Cursed Mountine.

So theres at least 3 third partys games I'm really looking forward too.

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Sounds good - they're really going all out with this project; can't wait!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well those movies suck hard, but I guess that really isn't anything to do with the musics.

Im glad he's on it..... strangly I think he does a good job.

Yeah they're definitely working hard to make the entire experience a good one. Let's hope they come through and deliver a great experience.

Transformers...Jumper. Horrah for even more genericness.

Transformers was ok, imo. Much better then Jumper.
Transformers only got boring after half way, when it started being one massive robot fight scene.
(which, contary to what most think, isnt interesting to watch for more then 5 minutes).

The humour in the film was supprisingly good, loved the battle field phonecall.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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