Space Invaders Get Even on Nintendo's WiiWare in Europe

By Adam Riley 22.08.2008 2

Square Enix has announced the TAITO game SPACE INVADERS GET EVEN will be available, to download exclusively from the Nintendo WiiWare service, across Europe in October 2008.

30 years after the original SPACE INVADERS ignited an entire entertainment medium and founded a gaming generation; players can now prepare for role reversal in this brand new action-invasion, where the fate of the Earth is in their alien hands.

Players will control mysterious UFOs and give orders to hordes of Space Invader underlings in an attempt to overrun Earth and battle Earthlings' attacking human weaponry.

"SPACE INVADERS EXTREME launched earlier this year recaptured the hearts of many gamers, and launched the SPACE INVADERS series to a new generation of younger fans. SPACE INVADERS GET EVEN promises to be a great follow-up release for this the 30th anniversary of the series."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.


  • Intense action-invasion where the roles have reversed and you, and your Space Invaders are attacking Earth!
  • Control mysterious UFOs and give orders to hordes of Space Invader underlings, as you attempt to destroy the feeble human weaponry;
  • Five unique attack modes to fit any battle situation you will face. Choose between Shot, Homing, Burst, Drill and Hopping;
  • Be prepared to battle the onslaught of Earthling technology including Tanks, Battleships, Fighter Planes, Fortified Buildings, Attacking Helicopters, not to mention the Bosses!
  • Battle across seven unique gaming environments;
  • Upload your High Scores via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and battle for the world's highest score.
Following the fantastic Space Invaders Extreme on Nintendo DS, it seems the classic series is making a fantastic comeback. But are you excited by the prospect of this WiiWare version?

Box art for Space Invaders Get Even



Square Enix





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Fantastic! These are the sort of games I want on WiiWare!

I was hoping that the wii's first RTS would be better than this.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

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