SEGA Bringing Project Beauty to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 08.08.2008 1

Whilst Nintendo has still yet to live up to its promise of releasing Face Training in Europe, SEGA is now working on something similar called 'Project Beauty'. SEGA has teamed up with Shiseido, one of the largest cosmetics companies in Japan for a new DS product that offers make-up tips for women called Project Beauty.

On sale from 27th November in Japan, Project Beauty uses a scanning device (bundled with the game just as the DS camera was with Face Training) to feed digital images of the user's face into the DS and then go on to analyse the shape and position of the eyes, lips and other parts. Following this, the game matches the player's face to one of four groups: cool, active, cute or feminine. Then the user's face is shown with no make-up on one screen with a proposed make-over on the opposite one.

"The same user can have a variety of make-up tips for different occasions such as business, dating or formal gatherings. You would find colours that are good on you but you never realised before. The new software targets women in their 20s and 30s, including children, elderly people and women who were not considered core game players."
- SEGA spokeswoman Rei Sugiyama.

In addition, players that want to pick out their own make-up will be able to simulate a full make-over, choosing various colour shades, as well as other details such as what foundation, blusher, mascara, lipstick and other types of make-up are used. They will also be able to learn how to apply foundation along with other basic skills.

But will SEGA manage to do what Nintendo has yet to, in other words release this outside of Japan?

Box art for Face Training: Facial Exercises to Strengthen and Relax from Fumiko Inudo

Intelligent Systems







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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I was trying to think of an ironic comment and I saw the tit;e and all I could think of was 'ahhh my eyes'.

I don't know if any woman would buy this.

They should just release the camera with a DS cartrige so you can save and edit pictures and videos, just like the Gameboy camera, i miss mine.

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