Mega Man 9 to Include Flicker Option

By Shane Jury 08.08.2008 4

Capcom will be giving Mega Man 9 another retro boost, with the news that there will be a Flicker option within the game.

According to Wiiware-World, in an interview with Gamasutra, Capcom producer Hironobu Takeshita stated the following;

Gamasutra: You talked about how people were trying to graphically exceed the capabilities of the Famicom, but what about the temptation to exceed some other capabilities, such as flicker, slowdown, sprite limits, and stuff like that? Was it really hard to get people to stay within the confines of what they could have done, if this had come out after Mega Man 6 in 1993?

HT: Yeah, there were some things, like you couldn't have more than three enemies on the screen at once, so we had to make sure that that's how it stayed in our game. In the part with the dragon with the flame, [there should be] flickering, and whatnot.

In the options of this game, you can adjust that, unlike the old games. We purposely put some of those old-school bugs into this game, so it does recreate that feel.

Flickering was a common occurance with NES/Famicom games, where items appear and disappear rapidly because of too much action going on the screen at once that the machine couldn't handle it. By default, Mega Man 9 should have no problems, but it is good to see Capcom are going the extra retro mile by offering Flicker as an option.

Mega Man 9 is planned for release towards the end of this year on WiiWare, XBox Live Arcade and Playstation Network.

Thanks to Dritttoolegit for the tip.

Box art for Mega Man 9





2D Platformer



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Yeah I watched a live demo yesterday of it being switched on and off. A nice welcome addition, I love the consideration of everything in this game, even flaws. The flaws meant slowdown in the first game, slowdown that actually helped you.

And can we have loading screens on Commadore64 games too please? thank you. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
And can we have loading screens on Commadore64 games too please? thank you.

That would have been nice, they should have at least shown those briefly.

To hell with speccy ones though, you can kill pets with the sound those made.

Awesome option. Smilie

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