Katsuya Eguchi Talks Animal Crossing Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.07.2008 7

In the latest edition of the Official Nintendo Magazine, producer Katsuya Eguchi talks Animal Crossing Wii.

The title, revealed earlier this month at E3, brings back the key fundamentals of town design and growth that players have loved in the DS and GameCube versions. Along with expanding into urban realms, the game is set to debut the Wii microphone, and in the latest edition of the magazine Eguchi reveals more about its use.

ONM: Did you ask for the microphone specifically for City Folk or was it being developed already?

Katsuya Eguchi: We're always sharing information with the hardware group and all the teams within Nintendo so we can keep track of things. But in this case we were talking and they told me that they had this microphone n development and I said "Really? That would work well with Animal Crossing. Here's what we'd like it to do…"

ONM: In the city there's a door that's boarded up. Can you tell us what's behind it?

Katsuya Eguchi: Yeah, it's near the shoe-shine guy. It's just a boarded up door, I'm afraid � there's actually nothing there. However, there are other areas that haven't been revealed yet!

For the remainder of the interview be sure to check out the latest Official Nintendo Magazine.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy.

Box art for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Also known as

Animal Crossing: City Folk









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Wow, there are areas that they haven't shown yet, amazing!!!!


You know, some sort of video-post rendering effect would improve the look of the game no end.
Give a brushstroke filter or something.

Given the nearly non-existance draw distance thanks to the cylinder world, they must have drenloads of processing power left each frame.

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Well it's good to know that are still a few more areas they haven't shown. I WANT MORE STUFF!

mOojc said:
Well it's good to know that are still a few more areas they haven't shown. I WANT MORE STUFF!

Why would you want more than a boarded up door?

Although I'm sure they'll anounce it's actually squatters that take up residence in your house when you spend too long in someone elses town.

Right so there is a door.

And there\'s actually nothing there. Nothing at all.

WOO you sold it. Man I want this game.

( Edited 31.07.2008 18:00 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

Just about every game released..like, ever, have had more doors then there are doors you can enter.

Sure, the game needs more stuff.
But its hardly a critism if theres a boarded up door.

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mOojc said:
Well it's good to know that are still a few more areas they haven't shown. I WANT MORE STUFF!

My sentiments exactly, the more the better because it needs it on the evidence of what's been shown so far.

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