Street Fighter IV Wii Depends on Fan Requests

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2008 9

Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono recently brought hope to fans wanting the forthcoming installment on the Wii.

The game, a fresh 3D take on the franchise, is currently due for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Siliconera recently sat down and discussed the game at Comic-Con 2008. As well as detailing everything from who's behind the project to who'll be making a return to the fighting arena, Ono revealed that there may be a chance for IV Wii.

Right now we know Street Fighter IV will come out on three home platforms, but have you thought about the Wii at all?

YO: The more people that ask about it, the more likely we are to move in that direction. The very existence of Street Fighter IV was based on people asking about it for so long. If we get a lot of requests it will be something we will think about. It might be difficult to reproduce the graphics exactly as they are, but the gameplay should be completely intact. It's something we can think about.

Those pondering if a brand new Street Fighter with classic sprites or the remixed edition would be possible on Nintendo's box of tricks - it's something the Japanese publisher would think about.

Here's a thought. You know how Capcom is reviving Mega Man 9? Maybe you can use sprites like in the old Street Fighter games and have a special Wii version.

Maybe we can do some kind of collaboration with the HD remix or something. We'll have to think about that one.

For more on the world of Street Fighter and Capcom's other brawlers, be sure to check out Siliconera's interview.

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that would be cool, the one thing i won't tolerate is if they cut off options like online and stuff like that.

My Guile is SvR08 looks a lot like their Guile in SF4.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

It'll be good I guess but I've never really liked fighters. Tekken and Dead or Alive really are my limit and I know Street Fighter is also arcadey but I just never got into the characters and really that's one of the main pulls.

I know it's not really a fighter but I'm fine with Super Smash Brawl for my button bashing needs.

Depends on Fan Requests!

Like PS3, Xbox 360, and PC gamers filled up Capcom's inbox with petitions for them to make Street Fighter 4 for their systems. While Wii gamers sat by Idle and did nothing, Yeah right.

Dead Rising gets ported to the Wii but Street Fighter 4 hangs in the balance waiting on request. Does the Sales of Smash Bros. not mean anything to companies that develop fighting games? Usually when a game has great sales on a console developers that make games in that genre tend to support said console with Similar games, due to the audience that's already there. For example, the success of Halo led to more developers supporting the Xbox with more FPS games. The success of Final Fantasy VII lead to more developers supporting the PSX with more RPGs.

Capcom, why not take a chance?

To be honest, there's no new information here. "If enough people ask for it, maybe" is basically just a standard response. Of course they'll think about it if enough people ask. Goes without saying.

I knew it would be a possibility, Capcom have a obligation to produce a Nintendo SF game, Capcom\'s all time sales figures say so.

This is exactly how Mega Man 9 came to be so I have a lot of hope for this becoming a reality. They need to put out another questionaire on Capcommunity, when they do I will be sure to answer it along with other fans.

I don\'t want a reduced SF4 I am getting that on 360 or PC. I still have not made my mind up but I am leaning to PC if I can play LIVE players using a Gold PC account.

I am hoping for Alpha 4 or new SF made for Wii entirely.

Here\'s a thought. You know how Capcom is reviving Mega Man 9? Maybe you can use sprites like in the old Street Fighter games and have a special Wii version.

Maybe we can do some kind of collaboration with the HD remix or something. We\'ll have to think about that one.

I think that would be great, or better still some entirely new sprite designs with the very best 2D animation. I would go gaga over it if that happened.

I suggest Wii owners make there voices heard when and as soon as a means for them to be heard is opened up by Capcom. Even petitions which I think have little impact normally could now have some if the numbers within them are good.

SF4 and Turbo HD are awesome games, I played them both on the weekend Smilie.

SF4 was clearly the best of the two and played brilliantly with excellent controls and a perfect fighting system which contains depth as well as ease of use for noobs. The new fighters are awesome, as are the graphics and music. Easily the best arcade game I have played in years. Made of win, I can see it out doing SF2 in Capcom\'s all time sales list.

HD mix just felt very light game in comparison, one we have all played before. It has great music and style though.

( Edited 29.07.2008 09:12 by Linkyshinks )

I think it's about time for the 1,000,000th SFII game to come out on Wiiware.

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That would be the best thing to happen to the Wii. If it will have online then that would be even better. I hope Capcom will make it so that it will come out on WiiSmilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Come on Capcom! I reckon it could be done, or at least a different version.

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