Ubisoft Confirm MotionPlus Support for Red Steel 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2008 20

Publishing giant Ubisoft have revealed that Red Steel 2 will be one of the first third parties to support MotionPlus.

Speaking to GamesIndustry, lain Corre, Ubisoft's executive director confirmed the game's existence and that there's been swordplay in the office for several months.

Red Steel 2 has been in development for many months now, and this new device will help us be even more precise in what we do with the product.

The Red Steel brand is strong - I think we released it on year one, and that people understood that it was a first try on new technology, technology that wasn't completely finished. And our game tried to grab the best out of it, and was a bit rushed to be sure to offer something in year one to Wii consumers.

So Red Steel is a brand, and as with every brand we have, we now have to reach the top quality possible. What was missing was the preciseness of the sabre - and with this new device I think it will change the experience.

The original game saw players dabble in the arts of both sword and firearm at the Wii's launch back in 2006 but met strong criticism in its loose control schemes. Given the nature of wielding a sword in first person, the general feeling was that 1:1 motion would have made the experience more accessible.

Corre continues with his predictions for the Wii's state for the remainder of 2008.

When you make a great game, you need more than one year of development.

A lot of games are made in less than a year, but they're not great products and they're not selling at all. So it takes some time to develop good games. This year we're coming with Shaun White, which we've developed over 18 months, and the same for Rayman 3.

I think these two games can be in the top ten of the Wii charts at Christmas again, and there will also be new Wii games announced soon - more games dedicated to capturing this new audience.

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

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Am I the only one who thought part one was, uhm, BAD?

They've got some making up to do if they want me to buy this one... or to compete with the conduit by the looks of it Smilie

Wow the motion plus has really surprised the devs.

erv said:
Am I the only one who thought part one was, uhm, BAD?

They've got some making up to do if they want me to buy this one... or to compete with the conduit by the looks of it Smilie

No your not, I thought the first game was crap. It was shoddy game that was badly put together. It was also ridden with bugs. Hopefully this will be better, but I have no hope for any Wii game with Ubisoft at the helm. It's also still being made by the crap Paris team that made the first, when it should have gone to the Shanghai outfit who could do a much better job given the games content.

I liked the first one, it was fun and the Wiimote was a novelty to use at the time. And it's still one of the best FPSs on Wii...though that is largely due to the Wiis total lack of good FPSs. Smilie I'm looking forward to this, I'd love to see how good Red Steel could have been if it wasn't rushed for launch.

I thought it was crap too. What's funny is that I again find Nintendo's choice of "freiends" quite odd. Remember in the GC days when Nintendo liscenced Mario to EA so much? And now they say they only do it for devs they trust (same with Miis)

Not only that, but they didn't tell most devs about MotionPlus. Who wants to bet they told Ubisoft and EA but not Capcom or SEGA?

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Once again they're experimenting with new controls as they're making the game. It won't be until numero 3 that they'll really nail the controls (if we're lucky. And if Nintendo don't release some new gizmo add-on to refine the Wiimote furtherSmilie).

Less posty, more gamey.

MotionPlus+: This time the controls really are 1:1!

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The Wii 2 will come with a real gun so you can pop 'oles into yer telly!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

There's no way I'm buying Red Steel 2. I never finished the 1st & that one easily got lame.

Based on the Wii owns I still have for Ubisoft I wouldn't mind a PoP or them begging Suda51 for NMH2.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

Ubsoft possibly making a good Wii title?! F**king hell, the world's going to implode.Smilie

The first game had a lot of potential, let down ultimately with developer inexperience with the console. I'd be looking very much forward to a sequel.

It won\'t be good though. If it is it doesn\'t count because FPS\' are all the same. Smilie[/flamebait]

( Edited 28.07.2008 14:28 by SuperLink )

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Once again lot's of potential, large probability of Ubisoft making a hash of it again I fear, just like the rest of their games for the Wii.

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I'm going to be cautiously optimistic about this. If you read reviews from the first Red Steel, it seems like most said "this is a pretty good game, but the controls ruin it". With more experience and better development time, the controls should be fixed. Could end up being a very good game.


It could be a good game, most reviewers said the first one was solid, just not better than average. I agree with that view, with a few tweeks and some care, it could have been great.

Red steel 2 will hopefully be the game that the original should have been at the very least, people will be expecting much more, there will be more with the online multiplayer but alot more would be pushing it, it is ubisoft we're talking about.

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The aiming doesn't need motion plus? No excuse for crap game.

Jacob4000 said:
I'm going to be cautiously optimistic about this. If you read reviews from the first Red Steel, it seems like most said "this is a pretty good game, but the controls ruin it". With more experience and better development time, the controls should be fixed. Could end up being a very good game.

True - the game looked decent, even better than most third party efforts, but controls really killed it.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

iCAME said:
The aiming doesn't need motion plus? No excuse for crap game.

They're probably incorporating it for 1:1 swordplay, which might be really cool.

Yeah I guess, but they are really not going to put that much effort into the game.

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